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Couple of portraits of federals wearing unique tailored coats

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  • Couple of portraits of federals wearing unique tailored coats

    Here are two pictures (both have no ID) of a couple federals wearing some unique looking coats:

    The first image caught my attention because this fellow had modified his blouse by moving the upper button over a good deal. This was common practice to make large coats fit better. Also flipping up of the collar on a sack coat is fairly common (and honestly I am surprised I don’t see more reenactors doing it). However, both show up in portraits pretty often if one looks at enough of them.

    What does stick out as unique to me is the construction of this fellow’s sack coat. For the life of me I don’t think I’ve ever seen a seam in the front of a sack coat. My question to those who know more about construction techniques, federal contracts, etc is: Is this coat cut from some rarely seen pattern or is this just simply an extreme case of field tailoring an already large coat?

    The second image is of a federal who has tailored his regulation great coat by adding some sort of fur (my guess would probably be bear?) to his cuffs, lapel, collar. Not unseen, but neat none the less.
    Attached Files
    Dane Utter
    Washington Guard

  • #2
    Re: Couple of portraits of federals wearing unique tailored coats

    The first image looks like it's just the line of stitching that secures the inner edge of the facing. The width is indicative of an unlined coat, which tend to have facings of that width. (e.g. from Mr. Wedeward's site:
    Marc A. Hermann
    Liberty Rifles.
    MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
    Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

    In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


    • #3
      Re: Couple of portraits of federals wearing unique tailored coats

      The second gentleman looks civilian to me... - Al


      • #4
        Re: Couple of portraits of federals wearing unique tailored coats

        Originally posted by luckenbach View Post
        The second gentleman looks civilian to me... - Al
        Only opinion and guess on my part, but the great coat looks like modified cavalry issue. The man is certainly well dressed: pleated dress shirt, nifty cravat, pricey looking watch chain. Why pose in a great coat rather than a suit coat is my question. My guess, over which I would shed no blood, is that this is a post-war photo with a former soldier showing off some newly acquired affluence. Of course, it could be that this gentleman was never a soldier, but acquired and modified a military great coat (war surplus?).
        [I][/I]Die Gedanken sind frei
        John Thielmann[I][/I]

