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  • Hearse

    All images and information posted here is done with the verbal expressed consent of the Plymouth Historical Society.

    The Plymouth Massachusetts Historical Society owns a complete hearse that was built for the city cemetery in 1820. It was the only hearse used for the city from 1820 until the early 1900's at which point it was replaced by a motor vehicle. Once retired the hearse went into a storage building where it stayed until the mid 1970s. The cemetery did not have a need for it anymore and needed the storage space. Since it was city owned property they could not sell it so it was turned over to the historical society where it has resided on permanent display since.

    This hearse is the most complete surviving example of an early 1800's hearse that I have seen to date. It is in outstanding shape considering its continuous use of over 90 years and approximately 100 years more of storage and display.

    Attached are images I was permitted to take and post.
    Matthew Semple