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Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

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  • Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

    I am not sure if I keep reposting long ago discussed photos..but the search didn't turn this one up...

    THings that interest me:
    1) One of the only period photos I've seen where someone is genuinely laughing (guy near the back of the line)

    2)The second man's jacket (and overall shodiness of all the uniforms and shoes)...doesn't seem like a 'normal' sack coat..added pocket in front?

    3)Lawrence of McAllister, 4th man

    again, if this is retreading, please forgive me

    Aron Price

  • #2
    Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

    ...And that sorry excuse of a hat on that 2nd man that would be laughed out of any hard-corps reenactor company. Can someone find him a loaner?

    I'm not so sure whether that is an outside pocket or something heavy wearing its way through the interior pocket. The large hole in the sleeve looks like a burn to me. A little too close to the fire one night?

    Paul McKee
    Paul McKee


    • #3
      Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo


      not to mention the fella with the turban made out of a shelter half, or whatever it is he has on his head.

      agree about the burn. It is on the inside of the arm...not sure what normal wear and tear would cause that. He is at least smart enough to get the wheelbarrow with some slats nailed to it so the projectile doesn't roll off.
      Bryant Roberts
      Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

      Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


      • #4
        Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

        Does anyone have a clue what outfit these troops are from? I would assume this was taken following the second battle for McAllister in 1864 which would lead me to believe they are from the 15th Corps AoT. However, I am unsure if the 15th Corps fellas occupied the fort as well. Interesting abundance of dark blue trowsers.....Shermans bummers were indeed a hodgepodge of uniforms. Also appears two soldiers (#5 and #10 from the front) have their fatigue blouses tucked into their trowsers.


        • #5
          Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

          For whatever reason, I'm thinking I read on a previous thread it was the 5th or 6th New Hampshire. I don't recall anyone definitively saying what the turban was all about, but the thread if it can be found again, ID'd the federal unit in question.
          If all else fails, Danny will know.
          Paul Hadley
          Paul Hadley


          • #6
            Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

            A friend of mine and myself pulled this image up on since you can zoom in on details and studied it and there is a lot of goofy stuff in it. There are several guys that have rolled up their sack coats, they have not been shortened they are just rolled up. If I remember correctly the 2nd guy in the front is missing the front half of his shoe. Also there are several guys that do not have a single button left on their coats and the top is held closed with a twig. We had talked to Talley Kirkland and Danny Brown about the image and they think these guys are from the 70th Ohio.
            -Brandon Hand
            48th NY Co. F
            Unit Clerk/Newsletter Editor


            • #7
              Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

              Brandon I believe you are correct, After the assault the 70th Ohio garrisoned the Fort. I dont remember if they also dismantled the guns and off loaded the magazines or it was another unit. these are 10 inch shells from the #3 gun position that they are hauling. Sam Cooley took this shot along with so many of the Ft Mac photos after the assult we have seeen. The entrance to the hotshot furnace is seen on the left behind the two soldiers closest to the left. Behind the traverse at the right, the gun gin used to dismount the 10inch Columbiad in position #3 is behind the base of the flagpole. See the tripod looking rig?
              This is one of the very few photos of some of Sherman's Bummers after their March from Atlanta to the sea. This photo is discussed in the book Guardian of Savannah by Roger Durham. I just finished it in preperation for the Guarding Savannah event next week. Hope to see some of you there so you can see the fort in person.


              • #8
                Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

                Originally posted by Brandon View Post
                A friend of mine and myself pulled this image up on since you can zoom in on details and studied it and there is a lot of goofy stuff in it. There are several guys that have rolled up their sack coats, they have not been shortened they are just rolled up. If I remember correctly the 2nd guy in the front is missing the front half of his shoe. Also there are several guys that do not have a single button left on their coats and the top is held closed with a twig. We had talked to Talley Kirkland and Danny Brown about the image and they think these guys are from the 70th Ohio.
                Not to get off track..but how IS Talley Krikland doin these days? Haven't talked to him or Jeff in a decade or more...grew up doing LH's at Pulaski and I always looked forward to seeing him and his family when we got down there
                Aron Price


                • #9
                  Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

                  Thanks for the clarification, friends.
                  Paul Hadley
                  Paul Hadley


                  • #10
                    Re: Several things that interest me in this Ft McAllister photo

                    Talley is now at Ft. McAllister now with Danny Brown. Jefferson is still floating around the coast somewhere nearby. We'll see Talley (and Danny) at the Guarding Savannah next week.
                    Herb Coats
                    Armory Guards &

