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Richmond Revealed, further observations...

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  • Richmond Revealed, further observations...

    Going back to the "Richmond, Virginia. Libby Prison." (LC-DIG-cwpb-02899), I made a few other observations:

    1. Horse manure v. coal? You decide.

    2. Notice the Federals in full-gear, yet most are posing rather casually. One guy even has his bayonet fixed!

    3. Funny graffiti, looks to be a woman in a dress.

    4. Incredibly tall dude (or maybe a small horse...?). The horse is half his height!

    5. More casual Federals; I can't tell how many are African-American but several appear to be. Which makes sense considering the Fifteenth Corps of the Army of the James was almost entirely black troops.

    6. Non-white washed area where the, "Libey & Son, Ship Chandlers & Grocers" sign once was. Interestingly, the Museum of the Confederacy has one of them in Collections.

    7. Street ruffians/ Lollipop Guild/ James Dean's grandfather. These guys look like they could knock me senseless. Two other youngins are seen without shoes!

    8. White handkerchiefs or pieces of fabric are tied to the iron bars.

    9. Flagpole is void of the once flying 2d National Flag of the Confederacy as seen in C.R. Rees' photograph (Library of Congress) taken two years prior.

    10. Most noticeably, a number of people can be seen lounging around the prison windows; freedom from confinement just out of their reach. Libby Prison remained open even after the occupation, with Federal POWs sent there regularly.

    I hope this doesn't develop into a long-term discussion about horse crap v. coal but if it does, let it be informative!

    Photographically yours,
    Attached Files
    Jason C. Spellman
    Skillygalee Mess

    "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut

  • #2
    Re: Richmond Revealed, further observations...

    Thanks for posting this Jason. I love taking one good image like this and really sitting down and analyzing as much as I can out of it.
    Warren Dickinson

    Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
    Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
    Former Mudsill
    Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


    • #3
      Re: Richmond Revealed, further observations...

      Two comments:

      There is a what appears to be a pile of coal or a pile of rocks in the pictures taken around Ft. Mahone. The individual pieces can be seen. It does not look like what is in this picture. My guess is that someone swept the streets since the piles seem to be evenly spaced. Looks like my yard when I rake leaves.

      Also, the items in the windows appear to be laundry drying. Maybe whoever is inside has allergies and the hankerchief needs a drying.
      Jim Mayo

      Portsmouth Rifles, 9th Va. Inf.

      CW show & tell.


      • #4
        Re: Richmond Revealed, further observations...

        I'm really intrigued by the two dags leaning against the street lamp. Is the bloke on the right wearing a ubiquitous 'four-button' jacket?
        Caleb Miller

        "A man who is clean has a better opinion of himself than one who is not and invariably makes a better soldier. This then is an important matter." - Inspector's comment on MacRae's Brigade, 1864


        • #5
          Re: Richmond Revealed, further observations...

          Great picture and details. I too love looking at these photographs and looking for small details. I don't think the piles are horse manure. I can't say that it is coal, but some of the pieces have straight edges and are quite large. I have never seen my horse crap anything with a straight edge or as big as some of the lumps.
          Rob Bruno
          1st MD Cav

