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34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

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  • #16
    Re: 34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

    Thanks Adam!
    Tom "Mingo" Machingo
    Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

    Vixi Et Didici

    "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
    Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
    Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
    KIA Petersburg, Virginia


    • #17
      Re: 34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

      Provenance Reconstruction:

      This flag was probably issued to the regiment in the spring of 1864. It bears characteristics which are common to flags issued to artillery batteries in the Army of Tennessee under General Joseph E. Johnston. The flag of the 34th Alabama Infantry is the only known flag of this size to have been issued to an infantry regiment. After the war, the flag was preserved by Dr. John N. Slaughter of Coosa County who had served as a major in the regiment. It was donated to the Alabama Department of Archives and History by his son Dr. Jasper M. Slaughter on April 20, 1910.

      Curator's Object Files, Civil War Flags, Alabama Department of Archives and History.
      Madaus, Howard Michael. The Battle Flags of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1976.
      Adam Dintenfass


      • #18
        Re: 34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

        If only that flag could talk, the tales, wisdom and education it could give us!
        Tom "Mingo" Machingo
        Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

        Vixi Et Didici

        "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
        Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
        Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
        KIA Petersburg, Virginia


        • #19
          Re: 34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

          "...Captain William A. McLeod, Co. H., 28th Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. ..."

          Wasn't Co H the Jonesboro Guards?

          Warren, did you do Co. H, and was Bobby Horton, from the musical group Three on a String, a member? I helped form Co G of the 28th in 1991, with Mark Horton as the captain, while living in Jefferson Co, Alabama.
          Gil Davis Tercenio

          "A man with a rifle is a citizen; a man without one is merely a subject." - the late Mark Horton, Captain of Co G, 28th Ala Inf CSA, a real hero


          • #20
            Re: 34th Alabama Infantry, Company G 1/9th Plate Cased Tintype

            Gil, yes I was in Co.H and yes, Bobby was in the group too. We're having a reunion later this year.

            Who is Mark Horton?
            Warren Dickinson

            Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
            Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
            Former Mudsill
            Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92

