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Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

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  • #16
    Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

    Great study piece, can't wait to get home and print it out for further detail.
    Here's one that's very unique and just captures the best devil may care look, see attached.
    Dennis Neal
    Last edited by boreguard; 05-20-2008, 05:29 PM.
    Dennis Neal
    "He who feels no pride in his ancestors is unworthy to be remembered by his descendants"
    David F. Boyd, Major 9th Louisiana
    Visit the site of the 16th Louisiana at
    J. M. Wesson Lodge 317


    • #17
      Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

      Absolutley no reason to get so bent out of shape. I think those posts were mearly pointing out that if someone, anyone at all, could pull off a fake so to speak. That they would be members here.

      Maybe the "stop using members photos" should be a whole different thread though...would spark debate at the very least...without hijacking a post on a photo.
      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I]J.L. Hurst[/I][/FONT]

      [B][FONT="Arial Black"]Independant Rifles[/FONT][/B]

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]Like vandals of old through our land they did ride
      With Hunger and Death always close by their side.
      Came Terror, his herald - but the wailing comes first . . .
      We know he is coming, That demon called Hurst[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I] Who ate my Nutter Butter!?!? Said the angry yet still hungry fellow from Gulf Port[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]


      • #18
        Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

        Great photo btw Dennis. Date of the photo?
        [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I]J.L. Hurst[/I][/FONT]

        [B][FONT="Arial Black"]Independant Rifles[/FONT][/B]

        [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]Like vandals of old through our land they did ride
        With Hunger and Death always close by their side.
        Came Terror, his herald - but the wailing comes first . . .
        We know he is coming, That demon called Hurst[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]

        [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I] Who ate my Nutter Butter!?!? Said the angry yet still hungry fellow from Gulf Port[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]


        • #19
          Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

          I think by this point in this thread we should be dissecting the intimate details of the photograph instead of repeating each other’s post as to it’s validity, can we safely move on to discussing this amazing image? This is exactly the type of information every “authentic” or serious reenactor should utilize and be studying but far to many do not take advantage.

          I am surprised no one thus far has noted the fellow in the center of the photograph who is holding something in his hand. Whatever it is he is showing it rather predominately. I zoomed in and cropped the image, although grainy, it almost looks like a piece of bread but not the typical hardtack cracker you see in other period photos. Any Thoughts?

          -Seth Harr

          Liberty Rifles
          93rd New York Coffee Cooler
          "One of the questions that troubled me was whether I would ever be able to eat hardtack again. I knew the chances were against me. If I could not I was just as good as out of the service"[/I]
          [B]-Robert S. Camberlain, 64th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry[/B]


          • #20
            Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

            this is an incredible image and I WANT to believe that it was taken on the campaign for Chattanooga. It never even entered my mind that it could be a reenactor image! This is purely my opinion, but when I first saw the image I could almost feel the humidity. They all look hot as all get out and quite uncomfortable. Again, my opinion, but that appearance keeps with the weather at the time, rainy, humid, then sunny with intense heat.

            Oh, check out the dude holding up the pick. I LOVED that. Killer image. Just killer.

            There are several more in that auction that are worth the time perusing if you haven't yet. Beautiful clear Confederate ambros and I believe there is even a Confederate dag if I remember correctly.

            Andrew Quist
            Director, Old Oak Ranch Educational Programs

            ".. . let no man, unchallenged, asperse the memory of our sacred dead, our fallen comrades, with the charge of treason and rebellion. They fell in defense of the liberty and independence of their country, consequently were heroes and patriots."

            - General George W. Gordon, Army of Tennessee


            • #21
              Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

              I thought maybe they could be eastern men for a sec and that the image my be post Chickamauga rather than pre but now I'm thinking differently. They are westerners. The total predominance of forage caps did throw me for a bit though. These could easily pass for Hooker's men you know?

              One other thing I noticed is how young all these guys appear to be. Normally I'll see an image and the guy will be 23 but look well older than that. Not in this one. This is truly a "boys" type image. Yet they all have the stare that gives them the appearance that they have seen men die. I could talk about this one all day.

              Andrew Quist
              Director, Old Oak Ranch Educational Programs

              ".. . let no man, unchallenged, asperse the memory of our sacred dead, our fallen comrades, with the charge of treason and rebellion. They fell in defense of the liberty and independence of their country, consequently were heroes and patriots."

              - General George W. Gordon, Army of Tennessee


              • #22
                Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                I certainly hope that addtional provenance will come out of this to shed more light on the location, unit, etc.

                Additionally it would not be uncommon for this to be part of a series. We can only hope to find more images with this level of "in the field" detail.

                I also agree with an earlier post. We need to shift the discussion to an examination of the details of the image. This is truly a wonderful window on a moment in time.

                T. N. Harrington
                Traveling Photographic Artist
                Daguerreotypes and Wet-plate Collodion Photographs
                Winchester, Virginia


                • #23
                  Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                  One can only imagine how their youthful foes would have looked in an image as this...perhaps one day a similar image depicting young Confederates will also surface....Best regards.
                  Tom "Mingo" Machingo
                  Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

                  Vixi Et Didici

                  "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
                  Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
                  Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
                  KIA Petersburg, Virginia


                  • #24
                    Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                    Isn't That Charles Heath Holding The Pick In The Lower Right?

                    Just Kidding :tounge_sm...what a great picture...just wondering for how many this may be their first battle. Nice variety on the shirts, hats etc...great photo...though out of my price range.
                    Marc Riddell
                    1st Minnesota Co D
                    2nd USSS Company C
                    Potomac Legion


                    • #25
                      Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                      Check out the dude with his foot propped up on his comrade's shoulder. If this is a fake (and it ain't), I'd love to know who made the shoe! This is a really neat pic!

                      Attached Files
                      John Wickett
                      Former Carpetbagger
                      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                      • #26
                        Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                        I do think though that one cannot say with any certainty whether these are Eastern or Western troops...There just isn't enough specific photographic detail to say either way...It's very possible that they are Western troops, still wearing forage caps in '63, but they could also be Eastern soldiers wearing the same. It would be nice to know where the Chickamauga tag came from...Lastly, it's interesting to note that the sergeant, standing next to the soldier in the wheel cap, appears to have a reenlistment stripe on his sleeve....
                        Last edited by Secesh; 06-22-2007, 04:18 PM.
                        Tom "Mingo" Machingo
                        Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

                        Vixi Et Didici

                        "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
                        Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
                        Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
                        KIA Petersburg, Virginia


                        • #27
                          Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                          Some observations & impressions about the individuals in the image....

                          1) I cannot detect a single piece of hat brass. I dentifying a specific unit would be a real challenge.

                          2) The soldier standing 3rd from the left, at the top, appears to bundled up. If he were the only person in the image, I would guess it was taken during winter.

                          3) The man with one leg on his comrade's shoulder appears to be wearing boots. Check what looks like a pull-up strap on the leg that's on the ground, the shape of the sole, and the shape & size of the heel on the raised leg.

                          4) Also in front, second from the right, we have the only individual with a completely open coat. It appears that his top shirt button is open. He is also the only one with a rolled up sleeve and the only one not wearing his cap. Definitely the most casually dressed man in the photo.

                          5) While all seem to have the "1,000 yard stare", the man with the moustache, seated front and center, has a look that could haunt dreams for years to come. If I had to choose a face to exemplify a weary combat veteran, his would be the one.

                          I find the study of material culture in this image interesting, but its real value to me is in the emotional content. This is one of the most powerful images I have seen. I am grateful that it has brought to our attention.
                          [I][/I]Die Gedanken sind frei
                          John Thielmann[I][/I]


                          • #28
                            Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                            Also, the third man from the left also appears to be wearing boots as his pant leg looks gathered up. And the guy in the front row with his leg up must have not been a good sewer since he has his pant leg rolled up.. The guy on the right in the front row must have been late to the photo shoot.. He has no leathers or weapon.. My theory is that this man and the man with the pick-axe were digging latrines..and were called into the photo at the last minute. Wow, quite an interesting photo.

                            Tom Ragno..
                            Tom Ragno


                            • #29
                              Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                              My guess would be that this is a pioneer unit, and the men were busy at some was common for a portion of any pioneer unit to be working while the other stood guard with arms and accoutrements ready. Also, please note that not a single man is wearing a canteen, nor haversack. Not likely if troops were on active campaign, or about to go into battle (especially without canteens!)...Best regards.
                              Last edited by Secesh; 06-26-2007, 05:57 PM.
                              Tom "Mingo" Machingo
                              Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

                              Vixi Et Didici

                              "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
                              Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
                              Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
                              KIA Petersburg, Virginia


                              • #30
                                Re: Very Interesting Photo on Ebay

                                Originally posted by DougCooper View Post
                                I know part of the problem - Can we PLEASE FINALLY STOP USING REENACTOR PICTURES on the AC cover? The monthly contest could be a search for little known jewels like this where we could all learn something. This would replace a self congratulatory contest of no purpose over a small supply of images, 99% of which are obviously reenactor photos, and the other 1% take a bit more scrutiny.
                                Doug, I totally agree. While folks have had some great images taken, seeing almost the same people time and time again does get old and take some of the fun out of the process. There are several gems out there floating around and it's a rare treat to see these before they disappear into a private collection.~Gary
                                Gary Dombrowski

