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Interesting Felt Plate

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  • Interesting Felt Plate

    Uh, make that Belt Plate. From the excellent series of Group photos of 93rd New York Companies taken at Bealton, VA in late 1863 (LOC), comes this enlargement of a Yank with an unusual belt plate. While most members are shown wearing either US or SNY ovals or their rectangular NCO plate counterparts, this guy has what appears to be a common militia plate from the period 1825-1835. According to O'Donnell and Campbell's "American Military Belt Plates," from which book the plate photo was scanned, this ornate device was frequently associated with the New York Militia. Based on this photo, at least one such plate made it into Federal service.
    Last edited by roundshot; 01-20-2008, 04:31 PM.
    Bob Williams
    26th North Carolina Troops

    As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana

  • #2
    Re: Interesting Belt Plate

    I'm very new to this whole A.C. phenomena, but I have done a bit of research into the French invasion of Mexico (late 1850s and into the mid-1860s), and these images bear a striking resemblance to the images on the emblems, flags, and money produced during the Austrian Archduke Maximilian's short reign in Mexico.

    Just a thought . . .

    Dave Stevens.


    • #3
      Re: Interesting Felt Plate

      This wouldn't surprise me. In two photographs of officers from the 52nd New York, the men are obviously wearing a belt plate with a French Imperial Eagle on it (import). Additionally, German troops with turnverein ties, would often individualize their kit with Turner belt plates. Some of this can be seen in books on US Belt Plates.
      Your Obedient,

      Matthew B. Bursig
      52nd New York Regt. "German Rangers",
      & The Daybreak B'hoys Mess

      Researching the Life and Times of the 20th NYSV Regt. The "United Turner Rifles"

      "Bahn Frei!!"

