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Union Soldier Great Grandfather

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  • #16
    Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

    I found this picture of what is supposed to be someone in the 76th ohio, The jacket is close to the one you have pictured but still not sure what to make of it

    the photo came from here.
    Rick Spencer
    19th U.S. infantry, The Rock Of Chickamauga!
    Ohio Valley Civil War Assoc.
    66th ill. Birge's Western Sharpshooters


    • #17
      Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

      Don, any luck on your relative?

      Regards, and Happy New Year!
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Shaun C. Grenan[/COLOR][/SIZE]
      [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]Newaygo, MI[/COLOR][/I]

      [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"[I]' Ellsworth! Remember Ellsworth!' was the chorused battle-cry with us all, and at each shout horsemen would fall from their horses, victims upon our altar of vengeance. -Member of Co, B, 1st NY Fire Zouaves, NY Leader, July 23, 1861.[/I]"[/FONT]


      • #18
        Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather


        Still working on it, there is some debate on where he was during the time frame. My Aunt who has done the geneology for that side of my family is working hard to find an answer. As soon as I know I will post it here. I am curious as to where his uniform originates from?
        Don Woods
        Member ABT


        • #19
          Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

          This doesn't add to the thread but I think one of my ancestors was in the 11th Indiana. A zouave unit.
          Andrew Turner
          Co.D 27th NCT
          Liberty Rifles

          "Well, by God, I’ll take my men in and if they outflank me I’ll face my men about and cut my way out. Forward, men!” Gen. John R. Cooke at Bristoe Station,VA


          • #20
            Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

            Still another tack,

            If it is known where & when your ancestor died, search the archives of the local newspaper for an obituary notice. Might even be online, via state or local historical society. Many (but not all) of the obituaries of veterans noted the unit in which they served.

            Happy hunting,
            [I][/I]Die Gedanken sind frei
            John Thielmann[I][/I]


            • #21
              Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

              I was digging into the identity more and when I contacted my Aunt who sent me the picture in the first place, she said that the lady she had talked to about the name was up in the years and may not have gotten the name to the picture right and when we dug some more we came up with George Jarrett who served with the 155th Illinois from Feb. 65 to Sept. 65 guarding the RR from Nashville to Chattanooga. They lost 71 men to desease during that time. We are pretty certain that the soldier in the picture is my Great etc grandfather George Jarrett.
              Don Woods
              Member ABT


              • #22
                Re: Union Soldier Great Grandfather

                FWIW, I did a quick look in the rosters of the 53rd and 76th OVI and did not find any Bartletts listed, either officer or enlisted.
                James Brenner

