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Union troops playing ball

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  • Union troops playing ball

    No, I wish they were playing baseball too (that would be a real find!).....but it looks like they are playing the old "kick a deflated basketball" game.

    This is the 13th New York Heavy Artillery regiment in camp at Petersburg. No other info is given:

    Note the ole boy with the sleeves of his sack coat rolled up:

    Ryan Burns
    The Skulkers Mess

    GGG Grandson of 1st Sgt. Albert Burns
    3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment

  • #2
    Re: Union troops playing ball


    I wonder if the man second farthest to the right is a reporter or an artist, he appears to be wearing civilian clothing.
    Andrew Kasmar


    • #3
      Re: Union troops playing ball

      Originally posted by Andrew Kasmar View Post

      I wonder if the man second farthest to the right is a reporter or an artist, he appears to be wearing civilian clothing.
      Gotta be a civilian methinks.
      Ryan Burns
      The Skulkers Mess

      GGG Grandson of 1st Sgt. Albert Burns
      3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment


      • #4
        Re: Union troops playing ball

        See this other thread on the subject of football, where all enjoyed analyzing that photo.

        Paul Calloway
        Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
        Proud Member of the GHTI
        Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
        Wayne #25, F&AM


        • #5
          Re: Union troops playing ball

          It's clearly obvious that the first photo is that of a kicker and placeholder. :tounge_sm
          Laces out Finkle!
          [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I]J.L. Hurst[/I][/FONT]

          [B][FONT="Arial Black"]Independant Rifles[/FONT][/B]

          [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]Like vandals of old through our land they did ride
          With Hunger and Death always close by their side.
          Came Terror, his herald - but the wailing comes first . . .
          We know he is coming, That demon called Hurst[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]

          [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I] Who ate my Nutter Butter!?!? Said the angry yet still hungry fellow from Gulf Port[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]


          • #6
            Re: Union troops playing ball

            Originally posted by JLHurst View Post
            It's clearly obvious that the first photo is that of a kicker and placeholder. :tounge_sm
            Laces out Finkle!
            What do you guys think that kickball is made out of?

            The guy with the dog between his legs looks like he's playing around with something in his had with the dog?

            What say you?

            Aaron Schwieterman


            • #7
              Re: Union troops playing ball

              Look how tall the A tents are. Why so tall? These are biggest A tents I seen.
              David Hardman
              from the great State of Missouri


              • #8
                Re: Union troops playing ball

                Originally posted by HOG.EYE.MAN View Post
                What do you guys think that kickball is made out of?
                Looks to be a bag of some sort. It's odd shape of not being perfectlly round is suspect to that. But kicking or hitting it around could be the culprit for shape.

                Originally posted by HOG.EYE.MAN View Post
                The guy with the dog between his legs looks like he's playing around with something in his had with the dog?
                I shutter to think about what it could be, (dog lover here). It looks like a spoon, maybe some sort of toy to throw for the dog?

                By the way, chances are high of a Charlie Brown vs. Lucy senerio on the first pic as well.:D
                [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I]J.L. Hurst[/I][/FONT]

                [B][FONT="Arial Black"]Independant Rifles[/FONT][/B]

                [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]Like vandals of old through our land they did ride
                With Hunger and Death always close by their side.
                Came Terror, his herald - but the wailing comes first . . .
                We know he is coming, That demon called Hurst[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]

                [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I] Who ate my Nutter Butter!?!? Said the angry yet still hungry fellow from Gulf Port[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]


                • #9
                  Re: Union troops playing ball

                  Originally posted by toolmaker1967 View Post
                  Look how tall the A tents are. Why so tall? These are biggest A tents I seen.
                  David Hardman
                  The tents are both wall tents and A tents. They appear to have wooden bases under the tents.

                  Rod Miller
                  [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                  [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                  [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                  [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                  A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                  150th Anniversary
                  1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                  1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                  1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                  1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                  Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                  1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                  Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                  • #10
                    Re: Union troops playing ball

                    Maybe they are possing the dog/cat to look as if he is going to "block" the ball? It does look to me like they are setting up what we now call a fieldgoal.
                    FYI (as if anyone cares) A lot of people think that we call our sport "football" from the earlier latin word "futbol" that translates as what we call "soccer". In actuality, we call it football because the ball was originally a foot long from point to point (through the axis or middle of the ball).
                    My guess is that these guys are just playing "lets see who can kick the rag ball over the tents".
                    Luke Gilly
                    Breckinridge Greys
                    Lodge 661 F&AM

                    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                    • #11
                      Re: Union troops playing ball

                      Could be a sack of mail for the provost. . .

                      Could be a head in there too. . .

                      But I'll lean towards Mr. Gilly's idea. "Here's some sort of ball. let's do something. Winter Quarters is boring."

                      Charlie Brown vs. Lucy senario still playing out in my mind after the photo was taken. Mates can't resist the urge to mess with each other. No pun intended. :D
                      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I]J.L. Hurst[/I][/FONT]

                      [B][FONT="Arial Black"]Independant Rifles[/FONT][/B]

                      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]Like vandals of old through our land they did ride
                      With Hunger and Death always close by their side.
                      Came Terror, his herald - but the wailing comes first . . .
                      We know he is coming, That demon called Hurst[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]

                      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I] Who ate my Nutter Butter!?!? Said the angry yet still hungry fellow from Gulf Port[/I][/FONT].[/SIZE]


                      • #12
                        Re: Union troops playing ball

                        My compliments to Ryan for posting these pictures. They are all great to look at and study. What ever process you are using to enlarge and show sections of the pictures again are great. I enjoy looking at all the images that have been posted. Keep it up!
                        Rob Bruno
                        1st MD Cav
                        Rob Bruno
                        1st MD Cav


                        • #13
                          Re: Union troops playing ball

                          The man in the 5th photo down, with collar out over his vest (1970s style) appears in another photo of this unit I have uploaded here. It's titled: Petersburg, Virginia. Group of 13th NY heavy Artillery - Winter camp. I see in the 6th photo down, the large bearded man in the back is also in that photo -- as well as the man from the 4th photo down wearing the vest and sack coat. This is just a small section of a much larger photo that can be found on the LoC site.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by DaveGink; 03-30-2008, 12:27 PM.
                          Dave Gink
                          2nd US Cavalry
                          West Bend, WI


                          • #14
                            Re: Union troops playing ball

                            yaea that would be a REALLY cool find if they were plain rounders ( period baseball ) bt i agree with the gent that said they were plaing kick ball
                            Kyle (Cuffie) Pretzl
                            The Tater Mess


                            • #15
                              Re: Union troops playing ball

                              Originally posted by tater_cuffie View Post
                              yaea that would be a REALLY cool find if they were plain rounders ( period baseball ) bt i agree with the gent that said they were plaing kick ball
                              I'd give a large amount of money to find a picture of them playing baseball.
                              Ryan Burns
                              The Skulkers Mess

                              GGG Grandson of 1st Sgt. Albert Burns
                              3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment

