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Tremendous photo of Union troops

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  • #16
    Re: Tremendous photo of Union troops

    Looks like they got the memo about wearing gaiters, though...
    Mark Ehrsam
    Susquehanna Travellers
    York, Pa.


    • #17
      Re: Tremendous photo of Union troops


      Depends onthe order that the two images were taken.
      Jonah may have been watching for the first one, and went to sleep while the second plate was being prepared. ;) :)


      Missing sound recording that goes with the image:

      1st man: Hey! Look! A photographer!
      2nd man: Quick, put your gear on, you've got two minutes!
      Jonah: Naw, I'm catchin' some sleep.
      3rd man: C'mon, it's yer chance to be famous!
      Jonah: Leave me alone. Ya wanna be seen guarding Quaker guns? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
      Curt Schmidt
      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
      -Vastly Ignorant
      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


      • #18
        Re: Tremendous photo of Union troops

        Who ever said it was not PEC to wear your haversack and canteen over your belt? Almost all of these fellows look to be wearing their haversacks over their belts. To wear your haversack and canteen at the correct height they have to be worn over the belt other wise the belt would be going around the bag and canteen.
        Maybe I missed the memo too.....
        Last edited by 27thNCdrummer; 04-09-2008, 03:00 PM.
        Andrew Turner
        Co.D 27th NCT
        Liberty Rifles

        "Well, by God, I’ll take my men in and if they outflank me I’ll face my men about and cut my way out. Forward, men!” Gen. John R. Cooke at Bristoe Station,VA


        • #19
          Re: Tremendous photo of Union troops


          I have been told by many people that cups should be placed in your haversack, but alot of these guys have them on the outside of their haversacks. I have even seen in some uniform guide lines that you are not aloud to carry your cup out side of your haversack. Which way is correct? My second question is why would you need to put your cup in you haversack?
          Andrew Kasmar


          • #20
            Re: Tremendous photo of Union troops

            And nobody has spoken of the man eating. Here he is holding a cracker in his mouth. How long did these "likenesses" take again? Was that about how long it takes saliva to soak the bread to make it soft enough to chew? You can see a good bit of this guys gear; partial of his knapsack, well loaded haversack with cup outside, canteen up front to quickly get a drink while resting, bottom of his shoes, gaiters, forage cap with brim turned up, a really dirty right hand. Is that a scarf or is it a the cape pulled up in an odd way?
            [I][B]Brian T. McGarrahan[/B][/I]

            [URL=""]Tramp Brigade Mess[/URL]
            [URL=""]Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors[/URL]
            [I][COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]GAME 07[/B][/COLOR][/I]

            [CENTER]"[B][SIZE="2"]I am just here to get my name in the program. Wildcats![/SIZE][/B]."[/CENTER]

