Tent stove of Private Oscar A. Hildreth of Company K 127th New York Infantry. The 127th mostly served in the Washington defenses and then later in the Southern Department.
According to the sale, the stove is made of tin and contains three pieces. It stands 6 inches and 7 1/2 inches with the pan resting on top.
Some soldier looks to have been very creative as this stove looks to be particularly useful when their was a scarcity of firewood for individual use, as was often in the case in the Washington defenses and coastal South Carolina.
According to the sale, the stove is made of tin and contains three pieces. It stands 6 inches and 7 1/2 inches with the pan resting on top.
Some soldier looks to have been very creative as this stove looks to be particularly useful when their was a scarcity of firewood for individual use, as was often in the case in the Washington defenses and coastal South Carolina.