A Brief Glance at Cigarette Smoking: How Authentic is it for the Reenactor?
By Stephen Ratterman
The practice of cigarette smoking gradually made its way from Latin America to Spain and Portugal, then to Italy, the Levant (lands bordering the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas), and across the Middle East to South Russia. The cigarette originally was composed of a hollow cane filled with coarsely ground tobacco and later as small tubes made of corn husks. Gradually, they were made with coarse paper (rice paper was not used until well after the Civil War).
By Stephen Ratterman
The practice of cigarette smoking gradually made its way from Latin America to Spain and Portugal, then to Italy, the Levant (lands bordering the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas), and across the Middle East to South Russia. The cigarette originally was composed of a hollow cane filled with coarsely ground tobacco and later as small tubes made of corn husks. Gradually, they were made with coarse paper (rice paper was not used until well after the Civil War).
During the Crimean War (1853-1856), British soldiers were introduced to the habit by Turkish and Russian soldiers. The British then helped introduce the cigarette to the rest of Western Europe during their travel back to England after the war. Soon the cigarette was commonly found in France but was smoked usually by the more daring and avant-garde woman.
Eventually, cigarettes came to England but were not accepted or widespread until after the American Civil War. American visitors to Europe carried the cigarette home as a novelty or curiosity rather than a primary smoking device.
The use and experimentation with cigarettes by ladies in this country in their attempts to appear as "sophisticated" as their Parisian counterparts caused great concern -- so much so that in 1854 etiquette books began to condemn cigarette smoking among proper,well-brought up young ladies. The use of cigarette smoking by men was almost non-existent in that cigarette smoking was considered a "feminine habit." Also, the extremely high cost of cigarettes compared to the readily available cigar, pipe, and the most popular of all, chewing tobacco, further reduced cigarette smoking. Another restricting factor in cigarette usage was that prior to the Civil War, the only readily available cigarettes to the open U.S. market were handmade in a factory in Cuba. A factory powered by stream was in use in Havana by 1853 but it wasn’t until 1870 that crude attempts were made to manufacture cigarettes by machines in the United States. A slate as 1869 only 1,750,000 cigarettes were made in the States.
In summary, cigarette smoking was known in this country, but only as a very expensive novelty and indulged in by a more daring and risqué woman who generally would not be accepted by the better social circles. Or, if used among those who considered themselves properly reared, it was not a habit favored by men.
Smoking Antiques by Amoret and Christopher Scott, pub. by Shire Publications,LTD., Haverforvest, England 1981.The Might Leaf: Tobacco Through the Centuries by Jerome Brookes, pub. by Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1952.
Edit. This article originally appeared on the Bully Boys website and is reprinted here with their permission. - PC