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The Regimental Fund of the 34th Massachusetts

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  • The Regimental Fund of the 34th Massachusetts

    From time to time a question comes up about company or regimental funds, how they were used, and whether anyone actually bothered with them during the war. At other times questions come up that don't at first seem related, but actually are, including where soldiers got white gloves for parade, whether uniforms were tailored or worn as issued, &c. With that in mind I hope some of you may find the attached of interest.

    As a bit of background, the 34th Massachusetts spent the first half of its service in garrison in the defenses of Washington and Harpers Ferry, during which time the officers actively managed a regimental fund for the welfare of the men. I found the many uses to which they put it alternately amusing and fascinating. Hope you do, too.
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    Michael A. Schaffner