Hello, Fellow Members,
Enjoy this article about spectacles, with heavy emphasis on the Civil War period. Feel free to print, distribute, or excerpt portions - all we ask is that credit be given to the authors.
Hopefully (since I have not posted before), this ambrotype of me taken at 125th Antietam will show up. Comments are encouraged.
"History on Your Face- Common Spectacles Styles before, during and after the Civil War"
by by Alan McBrayer and Thomas Valenza, Copyright 2012
Enjoy this article about spectacles, with heavy emphasis on the Civil War period. Feel free to print, distribute, or excerpt portions - all we ask is that credit be given to the authors.
"History on Your Face- Common Spectacles Styles before, during and after the Civil War"
by by Alan McBrayer and Thomas Valenza, Copyright 2012