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1842 Springfield bayonet

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  • 1842 Springfield bayonet

    Greetings to all,

    I am going to purchase a 1842 Springfield and was looking for an original bayonet but to no avail. I searched Google, Yahoo, College Hill Arsenal and can't find a thing. I have seen many .69 cal French bayonets though. So I was wondering is anyone else having hard time at finding '42 parts and bayonets? Also If anyone has things for sale for a '42 please let me know. Thanks
    Kenton Siers

    “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum” - James L. Petigru

  • #2
    Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

    The Horse Soldier in Gettysburg had a bunch of them the last time I was there. Try giving them a try.
    Jake Koch
    The Debonair Society of Coffee Coolers, Brewers, and Debaters

    -Pvt. Max Doermann, 3x Great Uncle, Co. E, 66th New York Infantry. Died at Andersonville, Dec. 22, 1864.
    -Pvt. David Rousch, 4x Great Uncle, Co. A, 107th Ohio Infantry. Wounded and Captured at Gettysburg. Died at Andersonville, June 5, 1864.
    -Pvt. Carl Sievert, 3x Great Uncle, Co. H, 7th New York Infantry (Steuben Guard). Mortally Wounded at Malvern Hill.


    • #3
      Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

      I would definitely try the Horse Soldier. They always have a ton of bayonets when I've been. They have racks upon racks of US and CS bayonets. They're your best bet.
      Andrew Turner
      Co.D 27th NCT
      Liberty Rifles

      "Well, by God, I’ll take my men in and if they outflank me I’ll face my men about and cut my way out. Forward, men!” Gen. John R. Cooke at Bristoe Station,VA


      • #4
        Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

        Awesome. Thanks for the info. I'll have to check them out when I go to "At High Tide"
        Kenton Siers

        “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum” - James L. Petigru


        • #5
          Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

          I picked up a French bayonet that fit my 42 quite well, and was much cheaper than a Springfield model.Try one on for size, if it fits, problem solved.
          Ron Moen
          Co.A, First Texas Infantry (Retired)
          E Clampus Vitus


          • #6
            Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

            I also recommend John Denner & Co. They're based in Canada, and before the dollar crashed gave a great deal because of the exchange rate.

            Being Canadian, they also have a number of Enfield bayonets & other items in stock.
            Robert Carter
            69th NYSV, Co. A


            • #7
              Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

              I would echo what others have said:
              - I have used a French bayonet on both a repro '42 and original US M1835/40.
              - Check relic shops, and you'll find one: College Hill, Shiloh Relics, Horse Soldier, CS Arms, and many others. You can monitor their websites, or... !!! ...consider giving them a call and let them know what you want. Odds are, either they have one, but didn't take the time to list it on their website, or they can keep their eye out for one for you.

              Happy Hunting!
              John Wickett
              Former Carpetbagger
              Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


              • #8
                Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet


                This thread got me looking through the bayonets listed on my site as well as the bayonets that I have not had time to photograph and list. Here is a quick list of what I have that fits both an original US M-1842 and my reproduction Armi-Sport 1842 (circa 2001).

                EWB-1291 Excellent French M-1822 Socket Bayonet @ $169.00 (not on web site)
                -Full length & complete with locking ring
                -marked "PJ" on the blade, multiple proof and touch marks on neck & shoulder
                -virtually pit free, smooth metal with some light peppering and medium gray-brown patina
                -should clean to really great with just a little effort

                EWB-1177 Slick Brown US M-1842 Socket Bayonet @ $155.00 (not on web site)
                -Full length
                -fine US blade mark
                -smooth deep chocolate brown patina, virtually pit free with only minor peppering

                EWB-1275 Belgian made French M-1822 Socket Bayonet @ $150.00 (not on web site)-SOLD
                -Full length & complete with locking ring
                -mostly medium gray with splotchy mottled age staining
                -should clean to fine

                EWB-1266 Belgian made French M-1822 Socket Bayonet @ $165.00 (not on web site)
                -Full length & complete with locking ring
                -mostly medium gray with splotchy mottled age staining, but less age spots than the one above
                -should clean to fine or better

                EWB-1234 French M-1847 Socket Bayonet @ $135.00 (on the web site)

                EWB-1257 French M-1822 Socket Bayonet @ $169.00 (on the web site)

                EWB-1286 French M-1847 Socket Bayonet @ $160.00 (not on the web site)
                -Full length & complete with locking ring
                -mostly medium gray with only minor splotchy mottled age staining
                -should clean to fine

                Please note that the M-1847 bayonets, while they will fit the gun, have short, thick necks that will make stacking arms difficult. The M-1822 style bayonets are almost dimensionally identical to US M-1835/40 bayonets, with the same blade shape & length.

                Please add $10.00 for shipping & insurance on any of the above bayonets in the Continental US.

                If you are interested in any of the above bayonets, please send me an e-mail or call me at 615-972-2418.

                Last edited by Tim Prince; 06-22-2008, 11:53 AM.
                [SIZE=1]Your most humble and obedient servant,[/SIZE]
                [SIZE=2]Tim Prince[/SIZE]
                [I]Member CWDCA (The Civil War Dealers & Collectors Association)
                Member CWPT (Civil War Preservation Trust)
                Member The Company of Military Historians
                Member SABC (Society of American Bayonet Collectors)
                Hiram Lodge #7 F&AM


                • #9
                  Re: 1842 Springfield bayonet

                  Originally posted by ohioyankee View Post
                  Greetings to all,

                  I am going to purchase a 1842 Springfield and was looking for an original bayonet but to no avail. I searched Google, Yahoo, College Hill Arsenal and can't find a thing. I have seen many .69 cal French bayonets though. So I was wondering is anyone else having hard time at finding '42 parts and bayonets? Also If anyone has things for sale for a '42 please let me know. Thanks
                  I would strongly recommend briniging your 1842 with you and trying the bayonets on your gun. I found some fit better than others. I own an 1842 and I picked through a few before finiding one that was a good fit with no rattle.
                  [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ken Raia[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

