Hey All,
I could have sworn there was a pipe cleaing thread here at some point. Anyone remember? Searched and could not find one.
Here's my dilema - i've tried picking, soaking in vinegar, and boiling but nothing seams to budge the caked residue in my pipe. Its a period bowl that was purchased with a pre-existing clog. If anyone has sugestions or a link to the old thread that seems to have disappeared - please let me know.
I could have sworn there was a pipe cleaing thread here at some point. Anyone remember? Searched and could not find one.
Here's my dilema - i've tried picking, soaking in vinegar, and boiling but nothing seams to budge the caked residue in my pipe. Its a period bowl that was purchased with a pre-existing clog. If anyone has sugestions or a link to the old thread that seems to have disappeared - please let me know.