I've read a couple posts about storing uniforms. One made a passing reference to folding the uniform rather than putting it on a hanger, which strikes me as a more authentic way to store things. It raises the following question: Can someone either please share what they know or direct me to where I might go to find out how quartermasters stored their uniform inventory?
I suspect that quartermasters didn't have uniforms stored on hangers and that there is a more authentic means of storing uniforms than the "modern" suggestions that I read when I searched the posts on this question.
Any guidance or insight would be much appreciated.
J T. Forbes
Bloomington, IN
I suspect that quartermasters didn't have uniforms stored on hangers and that there is a more authentic means of storing uniforms than the "modern" suggestions that I read when I searched the posts on this question.
Any guidance or insight would be much appreciated.
J T. Forbes
Bloomington, IN