I've seen a few sutler listings and a few period photos of Federal enlisted frock coats without collar or cuff arm of service piping and was pondering the prevalence of this practice. Was it common (e.g., in Infantry regimets)? And what was the story behind these items? Private purchase, off-the-rack from sutlers/tailors? Later war, early war? State issue (and if so, which states were commonly issuing untrimmed frocks?)
Thanks for whatver isnight you can provide.
I've seen a few sutler listings and a few period photos of Federal enlisted frock coats without collar or cuff arm of service piping and was pondering the prevalence of this practice. Was it common (e.g., in Infantry regimets)? And what was the story behind these items? Private purchase, off-the-rack from sutlers/tailors? Later war, early war? State issue (and if so, which states were commonly issuing untrimmed frocks?)
Thanks for whatver isnight you can provide.