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Shelter half button holes...

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  • Shelter half button holes...

    I am sewing the grommet holes on a Federal shelter half and I was curious as to whether a size 40 thread is accurate or not for this process?

    Can anyone attest to size 40 thread, or, any type of thin thread for that matter, being commonplace in grommet construction for Federal shelter halves?

    What of the buttonholes, as well?

    Is size 40 much too thin for an accurate portrayal?

    I should note I have seen one original where the thread used had been of a very lean measure, and the grommet hole had been sewn around and around in a circle about three times, thus creating a very tight border; I was not able, however, to find out the size of that thread.

    Therefore, any help on the matter would be of great assistance to me.
    Last edited by WoodenNutmeg; 09-02-2008, 09:21 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Shelter half button holes...

    I use size 16 from the Atlanta Thread Company. I can't recite the reference but it did come from a past post.

    Claude Sinclair
    Claude Sinclair
    Palmetto Battalion


    • #3
      Re: Shelter half button holes...

      Is THIS the animal?


      • #4
        Re: Shelter half button holes...

        The kind I use on my shelter tent halves is actually size 3 crochet yarn/thread. I pick it up for cheap at the local fabric store and as long as you use a large enough needle and wax the heck out of it, it works out nicely. Once heavily waxed it creates a sort of heavy cord which can also be used for buttons and grommets.

        I actually changed over to this thicker stuff after seeing several shelter tents in the Gettysburg, Wisconsin Veteran's Museum, and Don Troiani collections. Of course not every feature on original shelter halves were sewn with the thick cord; grommets on the H.S. McComb contract half owned by Troiani are worked with very thin thread.

        Hope that helps, for what it's worth.
        Brian White
        [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


        • #5
          Re: Shelter half button holes...

          That does help, Brian...thanks.

          Does anyone have any photos (closeups)?


          • #6
            Re: Shelter half button holes...

            I use both types of thread mentioned by Mr. Sinclair and Mr. White, depending on the type of shelter half being made. Yes, the link you posted from Atlanta Thread Supply is indeed the animal I use for some, and the crochet stuff for others. "The Federal Shelter Tent" by Fred Gaede is by far the best reference out there, with many pics of originals to go by, and reference info from over 30 original halves. After looking at several original halves myself now, the thread thickness does indeed vary from one to another, but I've tended to notice the earlier halves seem to use the thicker thread, as the later ones have thinner, but I'm sure there are examples out there that will throw that out the window.
            Ross L. Lamoreaux

            "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


            • #7
              Re: Shelter half button holes...

              Thanks, Ross...I appreciate the info.

              I agree that Fred's book is highly valuable and I do indeed own a copy.

              However, getting back to the original question, is size 40 thread too thin or is it passable enough to suffice?


              • #8
                Re: Shelter half button holes...

                Originally posted by WoodenNutmeg View Post
                Is THIS the animal?
                That is indeed the animal and I have four of the 4,800 yard rolls. I make many shelter halves. I also have Fred's book and it is a great reference. You can get the bone buttons from the Military Ware House by contacting Jim Kindred.

                Best of Luck and have fun,

                Claude Sinclair
                Claude Sinclair
                Palmetto Battalion

