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"Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

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  • "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

    On another forum that many of us are members of, the benefits a soldier can derive from knowing some basic sewing was discussed. Many said they would like to learn, but are having trouble finding oppertunity. I put the offer here too, of holding a workshop to teach basic stitches such as might be needed to mend, replace a hem, attach buttons & insignia, and the like. I'm in the Mid-Atlantic area. Ideal times discussed might be a special afternoon/evening session for a group from various units, during a "camp of instruction" if an entire unit would like the workshop, or a Friday early evening of a non-immerssion event.

    *if this is the wrong folder, or otherwise inapropriate, please move or delete.
    -Elaine "Ivy Wolf" Kessinger

  • #2
    Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

    I would be interested in learning. Weekday evenings are my "workday". The weekends are sometimes free. There would be just the wife and myself. Who would teaching the class? What list of itmes would be brought to class? I am here in Carroll Co., MD, just below Gettysburg. Dennis W. Duerbeck
    Dennis W. Duerbeck


    • #3
      Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

      Count me in if you plan a group day!
      Kyle Russell
      "Mister Bugler" per Charles Heath
      Federal City Brass Band &
      26th North Carolina Regimental Band

      Into the Piney Woods
      Fort Moultrie


      • #4
        Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

        Well, gents, we are up to 4 takers. I'd like to wait a bit longer for the units to have a chance to ask around at their organization meetings, so I'll be looking at sometime late Feb. or early March.
        -Elaine "Ivy Wolf" Kessinger


        • #5
          Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

          i would be very interested please contact me if there is something!
          8th GA
          Zachary Werner


          • #6
            Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

            For those who have expressed intrest, I can offer possible dates of 21 or 22 March (after Piney Woods :) ) or 4 or 5 April to offer a sewing basics class, I am thinking in the Frederick, MD region. Please PM me or e-mail me ( to vote on a preference and confirm your interest. We will be covering basic sewing stitches needed to do simple mending, hems, attach buttons and insignia, and hand-done buttonholes. Cost of the workshop will cover a housewife filled to get you started and an osnaberg/canvas haversack kit for your first project.
            -Elaine "Ivy Wolf" Kessinger


            • #7
              Re: "Sewing Basics for Soldiers" Intrest in a workshop?

              here's a bump....
              -Elaine "Ivy Wolf" Kessinger

