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Knapsack Question

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  • Knapsack Question

    Hi all,
    I have a knapsack question. A few years ago I bought a knapsack from Missouri Boot and Shoe. Around the same time I bought a Keagy Nobel blanket. This is a problem that I've been having ever since and always wondered about. My blanket is VERY snug when I fold and place it in my bag, almost as if the blanket were too big or the knapsack too small. It leaves me absolutely no space for a shelter half or anything. I was wondering if this is common. I have rarely used the it possible that the knapsack needs to broken in? If so, how would I do this? Thank you for your help.

    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Respectfully,
    Joseph S. Danner

    [COLOR="Red"]The Pine River Boys - 7th Wisconsin, Company I[/COLOR][/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: Knapsack Question


    Try folding the blanket, and then instead of putting it in the blanket compartment, just lay it on top. Then put the bag portrion of the knapsack on top of the blanket, and then buckle it. I have done this with almost all of my knapsacks, and have had no problem with packing them. I hope this helps.

    Andrew Kasmar


    • #3
      Re: Knapsack Question


      Also, try this link

      Andrew Kasmar


      • #4
        Re: Knapsack Question

        Did you mean put the blanket in between the bags? The article you posted was the one that I was using so I folded the blanket three times as instructed and for some reason the width of the blanket is much larger than the width of the bag. Does this make sense? If not I can post some pictures.

        [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Respectfully,
        Joseph S. Danner

        [COLOR="Red"]The Pine River Boys - 7th Wisconsin, Company I[/COLOR][/FONT]


        • #5
          Re: Knapsack Question


          Did you mean put the blanket in between the bags?
          Yes, that is what I have done. Use the CS packing instructions for the blanket, and it should fit very well.

          Andrew Kasmar


          • #6
            Re: Knapsack Question

            I believe that space and/or weight in the knapsack was a problem during the war as well. If you look closely you will see several soldiers wearing bedrolls over their knapsacks. I do this with my single bag and it works great.....much more comfortable than putting it inside. Hope this helps.
            Attached Files
            Luke Gilly
            Breckinridge Greys
            Lodge 661 F&AM

            "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


            • #7
              Re: Knapsack Question



              As did CW soldiers, experiment to see how you can make what you were issued "work," and work for you.

              I sometimes use a Childs/Gaede blanket in a Federal "double bag" knapsack.
              It takes some clever folding AND some "compression" to easily go into its knapsack bag.
              I do not try to add anything to that "bag." The shelter half when carried, or the gum blanket, get folded and sandwiched between the bags.
              (I generally do not carry a rolled blanket on top, as the rolled greatcoat is there. However, when the greatcoat is seasonally turned in along with its greatcoat straps, I have no choice there.)

              Curt Schmidt
              In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

              -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
              -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
              -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
              -Vastly Ignorant
              -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


              • #8
                Re: Knapsack Question


                A few years back I my-self did some research on the fedral blankets and there use in the Fedral double bag Knapsack!
                I came across a few letters talking about some Sececsh had gotten hold of some Fedral Blankets and knapsacks.

                Now> This Civilian noted that the 2" Cornfeds he had seen during the day were loaded down with Fedral issue blankets.
                He went into well detail about the unifourms and gear, He said one To the far left had a pack on Packed with a blanket ONLY Nothing els! with a small Cup hooked at the Left buckle.He also had another issue blanket pulled around him in a Mule shoe fourm, and was holding another in his left arm and rife in the other.

                This is what the first few lines stated > ( The Blankets seem to cover them both as if they were pack mules! ) one in the Knapsack one over the sholder and one or two in the arms ! The letter told just about every detail about these two soldiers and there gear.(:

                Civilians name was James Silbee

                Thought I would add a few lines>(-;

                Wigfall Mess,
                50Th va. inf. co. H.
                Army Northern Virginia


                • #9

                  It's possible the knapsack's "east-west" strap is too short. This problem was very common on early MB&S double bags, and may have been so on the original bag Bob copied way back when. If so, take a small billet of leather (a spare coat strap is ideal) and make a field modification in the form of an extension approximately 6" to 8" long. Punching overlapping holes in the billet will allow you to simply use a shoelace or piece of fine hemp twine to connect the two without sewing. This also provides a place for that handy-in-the-rain spare knapsack hook.

                  Consider attending the PL COI in April, as that will be an excellent time and place to get some of these basic questions answered. Registration is now open.
                  Last edited by Charles Heath; 01-16-2009, 05:44 AM. Reason: Added a simple yet elegant thought.
                  [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                  [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                  [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                  [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                  [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                  [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                  [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                  • #10
                    Re: Knapsack Question

                    I have a blanket from S&S that was quite a chore to get in my pack. It was all about experimenting with the folding and stuffing in. I switched to a NJS blanket and that took a few tries with folding technique but less then the other. I leave the blanket it in there and it seems to have stretched a bit and works better now. If I need to now I can get a shelter half in there too.

                    Now one of my messmates has a KN blanket and a MB&S doublebag. He gets the blanket in there but it is tight. Again I think finding the right folding combo and leaving it in the pack all the time will be your key.

                    Jeremy Bevard
                    Civil War Digital Digest
                    Sally Port Mess


                    • #11
                      Re: Knapsack Question

                      My friend-it can be done with a little experimentation -I routinely pack two issue blankets(a 'Julius Jones' and an 'Abe Thomas') in my MB&S early war doublebag and still can fit an extra shirt, chance of socks, and assorted small stuff. Gum blanket usually goes on outside top for convienence.
                      Kinda fold it to close to the size of your pack and then tuck it in around the edges. Repeat if using second blanket. Buckle side flaps first then top and bottom, tuck in any odd corners that try to poke out.
                      Leland Hares, 10th Tennessee (U.S.)


                      • #12
                        Re: Knapsack Question

                        Great! Thank you all for your help. I have noticed that it is easier now that I've left the blanket in there for awhile. Meaning before I would could only use the first punched hole in the "east-west" straps. Now after leaving it sit for a few months I've noticed I can use the last punched hole. Additionally, it is getting easier to close the knapsack's outter straps as well. I bought the knapsack mayber 5 or 6 years ago so it is quite possible that I do have an early MB&S bag. Thank you all for your input. Maybe it just needed to be broken in a little bit, but I will certainly consider the "field modification" technique by using my overcoat straps. Thank you all again.

                        [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Respectfully,
                        Joseph S. Danner

                        [COLOR="Red"]The Pine River Boys - 7th Wisconsin, Company I[/COLOR][/FONT]

