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Shelter Halfs

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  • #16
    Re: Shelter Halfs

    This was a great instructonal article that I used when I made my Shelter Half, hope it helps.

    Tim Fretwell


    • #17
      Re: Shelter Halfs

      Thanks Rogue!

      John Walsh
      Furious Five Mess:baring_te


      • #18
        Re: Shelter Halfs

        The Federal Civil War Shelter Tent by Fred Gaede. This will give you more information then you will ever need to know about shelter halves and will also give you enough information to be able to make one yourself. As long as you can do a buttonhole stitch and have sewing machine.
        Eric Stephenson

        [URL=""]The Company of Military Historians[/URL]
        [URL=""]Doylestown Masonic Lodge No. 245 Free and Accepted Masons[/URL]

        "Captain Dike is in the hands of some brother Masons, and to the Order he owes his life." OR s.I v.II


        • #19
          Re: Shelter Halfs

          Yeah I have a Rev War bell wedge that has seen better days ( I got it for a song, literally) and I was thinking as long as I could get dimensions, maybe I coud use the canvas from IT to make 2 shelter halves. And I WILL be getting those books (hardtack and coffee and the Gaede book). As long as I'm making the decision to improve my interpretation (Colonial Williamsburg term) I might as well start a library too. Does anyone have a shelter half from the Haversack Depot or made one of their kits? I feel that is the direction I will be going as long as I can get positive feedback.

          Thanks again fellas!
          Robert 'RJ' Basista
          Iron Brigade/ 19th IND/ Co.E
          The Killbuck OMG Watamess Mess


          • #20
            Re: Shelter Halfs

            Originally posted by world_warrior View Post
            Yeah I have a Rev War bell wedge that has seen better days ( I got it for a song, literally) and I was thinking as long as I could get dimensions, maybe I coud use the canvas from IT to make 2 shelter halves. And I WILL be getting those books (hardtack and coffee and the Gaede book). As long as I'm making the decision to improve my interpretation (Colonial Williamsburg term) I might as well start a library too. Does anyone have a shelter half from the Haversack Depot or made one of their kits? I feel that is the direction I will be going as long as I can get positive feedback.

            Thanks again fellas!
            You might want to rethink using the old material from your bell tent, as the duck used for most tents like that is too heavy to make a correct shelter tent. Shelter tents came predominately (depending upon type and date of manufacture) in cotton drill, which is lighter than cotton duck or canvas. Those tents that were made from duck such as the later war blue line duck was still quite a bit lighter in weight than that large tent material. You can still find a decent quality cotton drill from outlets like JoAnn's for $3.99 per yard and you wont' have to rip up a perfectly field worn old tent.
            Ross L. Lamoreaux

            "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


            • #21
              Re: Shelter Halfs

              Don't forget the 40% off coupon if you go to JoAnn's for your cotton drill. :wink_smil
              Brian White
              [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


              • #22
                Re: Shelter Halfs

                10-4 on that Ross! My Bell tent is saved the scissors! I have to JoAnn's anyways to pick up black ribbon edging for the brim of my Porkiepie. I'll look for the Cotton Drill. Thanks again!
                Robert 'RJ' Basista
                Iron Brigade/ 19th IND/ Co.E
                The Killbuck OMG Watamess Mess


                • #23
                  This looks like a good time for...

                  General Order 153

                  O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME 14 [S# 14]
                  UNION CORRESPONDENCE, ETC -- #14

                  Camp near Harrison's Landing, Va., August 10, 1862.
                  The general commanding directs that you have your corps in readiness to march on temporary service to-morrow at 2 o'clock p.m. The men will be provided with 40 cartridges in boxes and two days' rations in haversacks.
                  Four days' extra rations of subsistence and three days' forage for animals, with 60 cartridges per man, will be loaded in wagons ready to move with the column.
                  Such of your well men as have not muskets will be supplied at once by requisitions upon the ordnance department or from men who are sick.
                  You will give directions to have such of your old tents cut up as may be necessary to supply deficiencies in shelter-tents. The men will march as light as possible, and will leave everything except what is absolutely necessary for the march.
                  The requirements of General Orders, No. 153, from these headquarters to be carried out at once in every particular where it does not conflict with these instructions.
                  Should you require more wagons than you have you will apply to the chief quartermaster.
                  By command of Major-General McClellan:
                  JAS. A. HARDIE,
                  Lieutenant-Colonel, Aide-de. Camp, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen.

                  GENERAL ORDERS No. 153.
                  HDQRS. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC,
                  Camp near Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 10,'62.
                  I. The following allowance of wagons is authorized: For the headquarters of an army corps, four.
                  For the headquarters of a division or brigade, three. For a battery of light artillery or squadron of cavalry, three. For a full regiment of infantry, six.
                  This allowance will in no case be exceeded, but will be reduced to correspond as nearly as practicable with the number of officers and men actually present. All means of transportation in excess of the prescribed standard will be immediately turned in to the depot with the exception of the authorized supply trains, which will be under the direction of the chief quartermasters of corps. The chief quartermaster of this army will direct the organization of the supply trains. II. The army must be prepared to bivouac when on marches away from the depots. The allowance of tents will therefore be immediately reduced to the following standard, and no other accommodations must be expected until a permanent depot is established:
                  For the headquarters of an army corps, division, or brigade, one wall-tent for the general commanding and one to every two officers of his staff.
                  To each full regiment, for the colonel, field, and staff officers, three wall-tents.
                  For all other commissioned officers, one shelter-tent each.
                  For every two non-commissioned officers, soldiers, officers' servants, and camp followers, as far as they can be supplied, one shelter-tent.
                  One hospital tent will be allowed for office purposes at corps headquarters, and one wall-tent at division and brigade headquarters.
                  All tents in excess of this allowance will be immediately turned in to the depots.
                  Tents of other patterns required to be exchanged for shelter-tents will be turned in as soon as the latter can be obtained from the Quartermaster's Department. Under no circumstances will they be allowed to be carried when the army moves.
                  III. The allowance of officers' baggage will be limited to blankets, a small valise or carpet-bag, and a reasonable mess kit. All officers will at once reduce their baggage to this standard. The men will carry no baggage except blankets and shelter-tents. The chief quartermaster will provide storage on the transports for the knapsacks of the men and for the officers' surplus baggage.
                  IV. Hospital tents must not be diverted from their legitimate use, except for offices, as authorized in paragraph II.
                  V. The wagons allowed to a regiment or battery must carry nothing but forage for the teams, cooking utensils for the men, hospital stores, small rations, and officers' baggage. One of the wagons allowed for a regiment will be used exclusively for hospital stores, under the direction of the regimental surgeon. The wagon for regimental headquarters will carry grain for the officers' horses. At least one and a haft of the wagons allowed to a battery or squadron will carry grain.
                  VI. Hospital stores, ammunition, quartermaster's stores, and subsistence stores in bulk will be transported in special trains.
                  VII. Commanding officers will be held responsible that the reduction above ordered, especially of officers' baggage, is carried into effect at once, and corps commanders are especially charged to see that this responsibility is enforced.
                  VIII. On all marches quartermasters will accompany and conduct their trains, under the orders of their commanding officers, so as never to obstruct the movement of troops.
                  IX. All quartermasters and commissaries of subsistence will attend in person to the receipt and issue of supplies for their commands, and will keep themselves constantly informed of the situation of the depots, roads, &c.
                  By command of Major-General McClellan:
                  S. WILLIAMS,
                  Assistant Adjutant-General
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                  Past President Potomac Legion
                  Long time member Columbia Rifles
                  Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                  • #24
                    Re: Shelter Halfs


                    It seems that pretty much anything is fair game as far as shelter goes, including refashioning my old bell back tent into something similar to shelter half.

                    Don't worry Ross, I'm not going to. The thought of cutting up my tent threatened the sentimentality I have for it. Even though it appears there is precedent for it. But that does open up an interesting example of documentation both for tents and shelter halves. So either is right? However, should it not be a factor of practicality when attending events? That is unless someone wants to start reenacting a baggage train complete with wagons. In that case, I will be more than willing to toss my tent in with the rest of baggage and set it up when the wagons get there. LOL.

                    I just remember going to the Rev War events in the my younger years and having to unpack a bursting truck or van plus a trailer and taking an entire afternoon and evening to setup camp for 2 nights. Not only was it unauthentic to personally bring that much stuff as a Cpl., but a heck of a lot of work. That's why I'm trying to do it right this time around. Well, as right as I can.

                    Is this line of thinking along the right mentality?

                    Robert 'RJ' Basista
                    Iron Brigade/ 19th IND/ Co.E
                    The Killbuck OMG Watamess Mess


                    • #25
                      Re: Shelter Halfs

                      Originally posted by world_warrior View Post
                      ... to start reenacting a baggage train complete with wagons.
                      There must be a link between using the initials "RJ" and the desire to see baggage trains.

                      Joe Smotherman


                      • #26
                        Re: Shelter Halfs

                        LOL. Didn't want to post it cause it was such a short response, but LOL. I get it.


                        Robert 'RJ' Basista
                        Iron Brigade/ 19th IND/ Co.E
                        The Killbuck OMG Watamess Mess


                        • #27
                          Re: Shelter Halfs

                          Brass grommets: I have not seen anything to suggest they were in use...As for the half..its yer best friend...All you need is a half, some hemp twine/cord, two saplings close together...and a coupla sticks to stake the back end down...

                          I'd say spend the $$$ and get two halves...this give you the flexibility for a variety of events...

                          Worse comes to worse, it makes a great pillow...

                          Pete Bedrossian
                          Pete Bedrossian
                          150th NY/3rd N.C.T.

