The procedures for assembling the battalion seem almost mysterious. They are detailed at great length in the regulations, but too few reenactors seem to bother as assembly isn't found in either of the big two manuals of tactics - Hardee and Casey. I've got it pretty cleanly detailed in the FCD/AoT booklet of drill, not too many folks seem interested in a free manual of drill. (Maybe I should start charging for it.)
I ran across something which adds further context to assembly which I'd never seen and thought worth sharing. It's a supplement to paragraph 329 of the U.S. Regulations for 1857. It states :
You'll find it on page 97 of this book entitled, Compend of instructions in military tactics by Ebenezer Whitten Stone, Adjutant General of Massachusetts. It's a book compiled for the state militia.
Here's a quick link to the 1857 Regulations. The forms of parade commence at page 41.
I ran across something which adds further context to assembly which I'd never seen and thought worth sharing. It's a supplement to paragraph 329 of the U.S. Regulations for 1857. It states :
The manner of this formation is as follows. At the Adjutant's Call, the adjutant and sergeant-major abreast, each covered by a marker bearing a small flag, approach the parade ground from the main street of the encampment. The party having arrived at the point where the color company is to be posted, the markers are established, the adjutant remaining by the right marker, and the sergeant-major by the left one. The companies approach the line directly from the encampment. When the color company arrives within two paces of the markers, it halts, and its captain immediately takes post on the left of the adjutant, and aligns the company on the markers. As soon as the color company is aligned upon the markers, the adjutant retreats upon the line toward the right, and the sergeant-major toward the left, the one halting at the point where the right of the 3d company from the right is to rest, and the other halting where the left of the 5th company from the right is to rest ; and they so proceed until all the companies como on to the line. As the companies successively come into line, the right guides of the right companies and the left guides of the left companies are thrown out, facing the centre. The captains of the right companies place themselves, in succession, on the right of the companies aligned on their left, and give the word, left dress ; the captains of the left companies place themselves similarly on the left of companies on their right, and command, right dress. When the alignment of the regiment is perfected, the adjutant will command, Guides-Post!
Here's a quick link to the 1857 Regulations. The forms of parade commence at page 41.