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Greatcoat Alterations?

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  • Greatcoat Alterations?

    Hey folks,

    I'm just getting back into Civil War reenacting after a long hiatus. I recall years ago reading on the old AC list an article about how to retrofit a Jarnagin greatcoat to make it more accurate.

    I recall that it mentioned that the cloth itself was not bad, but the cut and some of the details of the garment were not up to par. I have an old Jarnagin greatcoat, but won't wear it like "as is" and was trying to find that article again to retrofit mine until I can get a better reproduction.

    Does anyone have a copy of that article? Is it even still regarded as being helpful, or is it obsolete? I tried to find it on the list and online, without any real success, any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

    I Remain, &c.
    Matthew Keagle
    Matthew Keagle