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Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

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  • #16
    Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

    Seems that what the goal is to see what the historical record show was avaliable at the time. And if you have a unit in mind, to research that unit to see what they had and use that as a model for your impression. Part of this thread seemed to be stressing Flintlock muskets which certainly were part of the inventory in Southern Arsenals (both State and Federal) but what I was trying to indicate was that there were a significant number of converted muskets as well.

    Research what was avaliable
    Research what the/ your unit had
    Apply that to your unit impression

    That being said, research should be done on the unit portrayed for the time period and then work to develop an impression to reflect that. Granted not all could afford to get a stable of various longarms. But having a target gives you something to shoot for. It was mentioned that there will be enfields and 61s there. Is it worth sending someone home - a unit needs to determine that - they could put those guys in the rear rank or look for loaner weapons. Having run into similar situations out west we ended up with some guys coming without arms and just throwing rocks - While that might work in Missouri it might be appropriate for Manasas. Still civilian Arms might be an option as well.

    There does need to be some balance in impression though. Selecting a unit that had 1855 rifles or Colt Revolving rifles might be really an wonderful experience if you could get the right weapon but you might be the only one in the unit.

    It is funny that I started out in the hobby carrying a standard 1816 conversion in the 70's and I still keep one as a good all around CS gun. They are still out there for a reasonable cost.

    To me half the fun is doing the research and planning the impression with the guys...
    George Susat
    Confederate Guard


    • #17
      Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

      "Research what was avaliable
      Research what the/ your unit had
      Apply that to your unit impression"

      Quote of the week! Thanks George.
      Herb Coats
      Armory Guards &


      • #18
        Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

        Well gents, I have to agree with George and Herb.

        I'll be there with an 1835 US Springfield flintlock, ready to fall in with whatever state's rights unit will have me.

        Don't mind the flash. It just makes 'em run faster.

        VR, & YOS.
        Rich Libicer
        Fugi's Brown Water Mess

        6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
        6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
        21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
        5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
        Haitus...... Until Now


        • #19
          Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas


          Herr Blair's comment still stands.

          It would NOT be too cynical or pessimstic to say that 98% of the reproduction infantry arms at 150 Manassass will be the Hobby' standards of (stock) 4th Model P1853 Enfields, (de-farbed) 3rd Model P1853 Enfields,
          M1861 Springfields, a small number of M1842 muskets, a few M1855's, and a few M1863/64 Springfields.

          But yeah, there will be a small number of arms Period correct for Manassas 1861 because that is what a few lads do.

          ;) :)

          Curt Schmidt
          In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

          -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
          -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
          -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
          -Vastly Ignorant
          -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


          • #20
            Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

            I am away from home on business and don't have my notes, but I also recall that Jackson got a letter
            from the Governor of Virginia requesting that he return the percussion muskets he "borrowed" from VMI during
            the Valley Campaign. Jackson replied that he would return them as soon as percussion muskets were available
            to replace the VMI loaners. This is what, a year into the Civil War?

            Hence, those Johnnies who have rock lock muskets can break them out for this one. Don't over prime the pan
            or you will singe the beard of the Enfield toting Johnny next to you.
            Craig L Barry
            Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
            Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
            Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
            Member, Company of Military Historians


            • #21
              Re: Muskets suitable for 1st Manassas

              I'm packing my 1840 conversion for the event. I really don't get her out enough (my regular impression calls for a Springfield or Enfield)
              Bob Sandusky
              Co C 125th NYSVI
              Esperance, NY

