After reading various books on the subject of imported british knapsacks, i have yet to come across any suriving imported greatcoat straps. It appears they were issued to the british army with every pack and they were made from buff leather. So when a invoice shows knapsack and straps these might of included greatcoat straps ( maybe maybe not) . these straps were appoxamatly 40 inches long by 1 inch wide and were used to strap the folded greatcoat to the front of the pack.
Are there any surviving straps around, has anyone seen any? i believe that He We Speak Not Of makes a knapsack with greatcoat straps .
your help would be greatly appreacated
Are there any surviving straps around, has anyone seen any? i believe that He We Speak Not Of makes a knapsack with greatcoat straps .
your help would be greatly appreacated