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Help on Civil War art

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  • Help on Civil War art

    I'm an aspiring civil war artist and strive for accuracy and authenticity in my work. I'm often in need of specific information on individuals, uniforms, insignias, etc. The internet can be somewhat lacking at times in it's info. Specifically at this time I'm trying to find out what Hiram Granbury was likely wearing when he was killed at Franklin. Anyone have any resources or photos of uniforms that can be used for reference? Also kicking around the idea of becoming a civilian reeanactor as an artist-like the men who sketched the battles for the newspapers back home. Any ideas on how to get started? Thanks in advance-John Plishka

  • #2
    Re: Help on Civil War art

    You might already have this book. It is call the "American Heritage Century Collection of Civil War Art." It was edited by Stephen W. Sears with a forward by Bruce Catton. It contains a lot of information and art of the newspaper artists who reported on the armies. It is an older book but you could probably find it somewhere.

    Dan Stewart


    • #3
      Re: Help on Civil War art

      I "portrayed" Mr Granbury at a fund raiser event at Carntion and found more pictures in civilian coat than any other (which is what I went with) though this was hardly exhaustive and couldn't properly be used as the basis of a portrait for a particular point in time. On a sad note his wife died very young during the war and was buried without a stone in a donated plot. Hiram planned to purchase a stone after the war but Franklin ended that. I was moved enough by the story to buy her one but found others have tried and because cemetery records don't show the actual plot owner their rules say a marker can't be placed there.
      John Duffer
      Independence Mess
      "There lies $1000 and a cow."


      • #4
        Re: Help on Civil War art

        Thanks for the info! Amazon has used copies for about 5-10 bucks. Thanks again!
        John Plishka


        • #5
          Re: Help on Civil War art

          Thanks. I'll probably opt for an officers frock and slouch hat. Interesting(and sad) about his wife. Researching the paintings is half the fun!
          Thank you again-
          John Plishka

