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Question about Kersey and Serge

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  • Question about Kersey and Serge

    Im hoping one of the cloth experts here can help me out.

    What exactly is the difference between a kersey and a serge?

    I have an original British P40 battledress jacket from the 2nd World War which is made out of a heavy wool Serge. The Serge looks and feels almost exactly like the kersey in high quality authentic reproduction items, unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to view original civil war period kersey in person so that is all I have to go by. Very similar weave, weight and nap.

    This intrigued me a little bit and I thought I would ask out of an interest as to what exactly defines one or the other and what I should look for.
    Nathan Bruff


  • #2
    Re: Question about Kersey and Serge

    Try this article from way back

    Remember the search function here may net some great finds....
    Herb Coats
    Armory Guards &


    • #3
      Re: Question about Kersey and Serge

      Well Mr Daley's article didn't cover serge. As far as I coud make out from the net serge is of finer yarns and is not finished in the nap.
      Any other comments are welcome.
      Jan H.Berger

      German Mess

      "Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein."( Friedrich Schiller)


      • #4
        Re: Question about Kersey and Serge

        Yes, I know that Chris' article does not cover serge. But it covers the kersey in question that Mr. Bruff was asking. Maybe some of our more period material familiar posters such will pipe up on serge.

        This is what I found using an online dictionary

        serge [sɜːdʒ]
        1. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Textiles) a twill-weave woollen or worsted fabric used for clothing
        2. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Textiles) a similar twilled cotton, silk, or rayon fabric
        [from Old French sarge, from Vulgar Latin sārica (unattested), from Latin sēricum, from Greek sērikon silk, from sērikos silken, from sēr silkworm]

        Definition, Synonyms, Translations of serge by The Free Dictionary
        Last edited by Coatsy; 06-11-2011, 12:24 PM.
        Herb Coats
        Armory Guards &


        • #5
          Re: Question about Kersey and Serge

          So it appears then that Serge is a broader term for twill woven materials.
          Nathan Bruff


