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AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

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  • #31
    Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion


    It warms my heart so, and counters the cancer of discouragement, to see these heresies spreading.

    This is.. hope.

    Three Cheers and a Tiger!

    Firearm Heretic
    Curt Schmidt
    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
    -Vastly Ignorant
    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


    • #32
      Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

      I still have some work to do with mine.
      - I really need to find a good ramrod: would Lodgewood be best for this in your opinion?
      - Mine is a cone in barrel conversion, and I have thought to get it "relined" so that I can live-fire. Recommendation on who might do this work, and what kind of cost I might incur?

      Bryan, great work! Mine looked much like yours when I got it, except the stock had been cut at the lower band, and it was missing all original bands. Sure is nice to see these resurrected and brought back to life.

      Thanks an advance for y'all's help and advice.
      Warren Dickinson

      Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
      Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
      Former Mudsill
      Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


      • #33
        Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

        Super job Bryan!
        Mike McGee
        Cure All Mess ~ Hard Case Boys
        Co A, 4th Tennessee Infantry Regiment "The Shelby Greys"
        Co C, 25th Regiment, Indiana Infantry

        Pvt. Francis "Frank" Agee- G, G, G-Uncle
        Co H, 22nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment
        KIA Battle of Shiloh-April 6, 1862
        Resting in Peace on that Hallowed Ground


        • #34
          Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

          Bryan that is outstanding! I should send my stock to you for repair, as you most definitely have the Midas touch.... I certainly could use some work on mine!

          Warren - I do not have first-hand experience with the quality of their work, but Whitacres in Winchester, VA is known to do relining.... They are at or 540.877.1468. There is also a gentleman in Tennessee that has an excellent reputation for these, but his name escapes me at the moment. I'm sure Curt or Craig will know better than I someone that could work with you on yours.

          Rich Libicer
          Fugi's Brown Water Mess

          6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
          4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
          6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
          4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
          21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
          5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
          Haitus...... Until Now


          • #35
            Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

            Thanks Rich, just what I needed!
            Warren Dickinson

            Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
            Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
            Former Mudsill
            Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


            • #36
              Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

              No problem Warren.

              Also yes, Lodgewood can get you a ramrod. If you run into issues there I would check with S&S Firearms. They have a pretty good turnaround.

              As for the cost, I think Whitacres runs around $250 for a reline, give or take.

              Take care.
              Rich Libicer
              Fugi's Brown Water Mess

              6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
              4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
              6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
              4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
              21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
              5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
              Haitus...... Until Now


              • #37
                Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                Hi Warren,

                I recently got a repop 1816 ramrod from Lodgewood to fit an original. No problems. Keep in mind the replacement ramrods for the Pedersoli 1816 repro are too thick to fit the channel on an original...but you probably already knew that.

                Paul McKee
                Paul McKee


                • #38
                  Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                  Noooo, I didn't know that Paul, thanks for that heads up. Looks like I'll go with the Lodgewood.
                  I was really hoping that the preferred weapon for the Shiloh adventure/adjunct would be .69 smoothbores and that this old girl would get to see the elephant again slinging stuff at Johnnies, but alas, it is not to be. :( Oh well, I can still use it doing LH at Donelson, and the occastional western CS portrayal.

                  Rich, thanks for the advice as well. I had thought to go to S&S since that is where I got my barrel bands oh so many years ago. (Has it really been 22 years?) I've been itching to give Lodgewood a try though.
                  Last edited by dixieflyer; 06-27-2011, 12:08 PM. Reason: Operator head space and timing
                  Warren Dickinson

                  Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                  Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                  Former Mudsill
                  Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                  • #39
                    Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion


                    So why wouldn't you use that veteran pumpkin slinger at Shiloh?? I certainly plan on taking mine to return fire at you! Is it that you won't have the work done in time?
                    Rich Libicer
                    Fugi's Brown Water Mess

                    6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
                    4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
                    6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
                    4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
                    21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
                    5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
                    Haitus...... Until Now


                    • #40
                      Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                      No Rich, the Paddle-Wheeler Adjunct event's regs are asking for M1861's and barring those asking for Enfields next. M1816/22's are on the acceptable but not preferred list. :(
                      S'Ok though, I'm sure February will find me haunting Ft. Donelson and its environs at some point , and hauling this old girl around.
                      Warren Dickinson

                      Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                      Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                      Former Mudsill
                      Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                      • #41
                        Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion


                        Well, in the 6th Mississippi I'm sure we will be rife with them. Lookin forward to it. See you there, and at Donelson also I hope!

                        Don't fall off the boat.

                        Take care.
                        Rich Libicer
                        Fugi's Brown Water Mess

                        6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
                        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
                        6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
                        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
                        21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
                        5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
                        Haitus...... Until Now


                        • #42
                          Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                          Rich, Warren, et al thanks for the kind words.

                          Curt, there is always hope brother.

                          I always like a good challenge when it comes to saving a piece of history. Though, you have to pick your candidates carefully. In my case the musket while rough was basically all there so, I had minimal outlay for parts that required replacement.

                          When looking for something worth the effort, you should most definitely do your research on the cost of parts beforehand. That “great deal” on a post war cut down musket for $400 may not be the bargain you hoped it was. Unless you have access to cheap original parts, the cost of original or repo parts required to restore one of these can quickly exceed the original price and make a complete gun quite the better buy.

                          An eroded or bored out to smoothbore (a typical post war modification) shouldn’t be an issue for our purposes. If you want it relined for live firing the cost is in the $250 range from Whitacre. If it has also been cut short, “stretching” it back to its original length in conjunction with the reline will set you back about $280. If the forearm was shortened at the lower band (if you’re lucky) a replacement forearm will cost $75 from Dunlap. If the entire stock needs replacing it will cost you $275.

                          If dealing with an M1816 or M1842, the cost of middle and upper bands alone can exceed the purchase price of the musket if buying original. Hopefully reproductions are available but, you will still drop around $150 or more on them. Lodgewood is a good place to start but availability can be an iffy proposition. A repo ramrod is around $48, originals start around 3 times that depending on condition.

                          If you enjoy long term projects and can absorb the cost over an extended period of time or, luck into some good buys this route can be a rewarding experience. If not, be prepared to buy a decent original or a repo.

                          I also have a M1863 type I in worse condition that I am debating on whether to proceed with. As it stands now the numbers don’t add up to making it cost effective. Unless of course, I luck into a screaming deal on the required parts.
                          Bryan Beard


                          • #43
                            Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                            Bryan, I got my repro bands from S&S, but I have no idea what I paid for them back then. Their current price for their repro upper and middle bands totals only $68.00.
                            Warren Dickinson

                            Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                            Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                            Former Mudsill
                            Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                            • #44
                              Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion


                              I hadn’t checked S&S, just my usual suspects, thanks.

                              A repo ’42 front band with a correct brass bladed sight will set you back $50 from Blockade Runner if they have them.

                              The ’42 front band is $45 from Lodgewood. They also have a repo middle band w/ swivel for $42 but only have original lower bands for $55. If you buy a complete set of Armi-Sport ’42 bands will run you $128 and I have no idea if they will fit an original or not.

                              When looking at their ‘16/22 listing, repo front bands are not currently available. A repo middle band w/ swivel will set you back $36 and again, they only show original lower bands for $55.

                              Add in any miscellaneous screws and/or springs for the lock or stock and you will quickly be there if not more.

                              The main point I was trying to convey was that these projects can quickly become money pits if you don’t thoroughly research ALL the required parts before you proceed. Preferably before you purchase said musket.
                              Bryan Beard


                              • #45
                                Re: AS M1842 or Pedersoli 1816/22 Conversion

                                You are right Bryan, they can, but at the same time, I didn't want anyone scared off from doing this. I still think that for the majority of situations, one can "rehab" a beater M1816/22 for less than a repro costs and still come out with a better weapon.
                                Warren Dickinson

                                Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                                Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                                Former Mudsill
                                Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92

