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divisions formed by height question

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  • divisions formed by height question

    Prior to SCOTT’S TACTICS 1835 the U.S. formed company via the English method – tallest on the flanks, shortest in the center - the 1835 manual shifts to the simpler French – tallest on the right. Kautz indicates that divisions are formed to achieve the same visual effect of the English method with odd companies having tallest on the right, evens having tallest on the left. I’ve seen one fed photo that is either a company formed by the older method or a small division formed per Kautz. Has anyone come across any reference to this practice other than Kautz?
    John Duffer
    Independence Mess
    "There lies $1000 and a cow."

  • #2
    Re: divisions formed by height question

    I also asked this on another forun where it caused some confusion (mainly mine) so thought I'd clarify -

    Kautz's 1864 CUSTOMS OF SERVICE mentions:

    " 426. There should be a uniform method of forming the company; and there is no reason why there should be a difference in the different corps or in different regiments. The company should be sized. In all the odd-numbered companies the tallest men are placed on the right, diminishing in size to the left, and in the even-numbered companies the tallest should be on the left, diminishing to the right,—the principal being that in each division the tallest men should be on the flanks, and the shortest in the center; the regimental front will thus present a level line, and there will be an apparent uniformity in size of the entire regiment. "

    Note that I'm not pro or con on this, just curious on where Kautz got it and whether it was common practice at the time Kautz was writing his book.
    John Duffer
    Independence Mess
    "There lies $1000 and a cow."

