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Confused about Enfields

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  • Confused about Enfields

    I recently decided to pick up another musket at some point between now and the end of the year and since I already have a couple of smoothies I thought about getting an Enfield - which next to the smoothy is perhaps the best arm for the impressions that our unit undertakes. It also remains the most common in the ranks of our company.

    Though I read quite a bit of the gun chatter on here, I'm a bit confused by all this Euroarms vs. ArmiSport vs. Pedersoli buying out Euroarms, defarbing challenges etc.

    The plain fact is I don't know where to start and I have to admit that I know relatively little about this standard weapon of our hobby. What's the current prognosis and the best advice for someone wanting a repop of one of these?

    Sam Dolan
    Samuel K. Dolan
    1st Texas Infantry

  • #2
    Re: Confused about Enfields

    get a defarb from Todd Watts or get a good deal on any used repop Enfield and send it to Watts to have him redo it. that is what it all boils down too.
    Bryant Roberts
    Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

    Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


    • #3
      Re: Confused about Enfields


      I might would suggest that the SEARCH feature can pull up endless hours of reading and information pleasure. ;) :)

      Such as, for starters:

      ;) :)

      Curt Schmidt
      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
      -Vastly Ignorant
      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


      • #4
        Re: Confused about Enfields

        Originally posted by FloridaConscript View Post
        get a defarb from Todd Watts or get a good deal on any used repop Enfield and send it to Watts to have him redo it. that is what it all boils down too.
        This is exactly what I would do as well. Euroarms or Armisport doesn't matter once Todd has worked his magic on it.
        Russ Dykes
        Keith Stone Guard

        6th Mississippi Adjunct 150th Shiloh
        Maryland My Maryland 150th Sharpsburg
        150th Chickamauga Kershaws Brigade
        150th Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse

        "Splash" ......Mark Taylor


        • #5
          Re: Confused about Enfields


          Do you and me a favor...... get an ArmiSport Springfield defarbed by Mr. Watts and then you can trade it for my Todd Watts defarbed E. Bond Enfield (ArmiSport). Just saying two comrades could be happy from that exchange!
          [FONT=Georgia][/FONT][SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]Dan Biggs[/FONT][/SIZE]

          -Member of the Southwest Volunteers Mess


          • #6
            Re: Confused about Enfields

            Hi Sam,

            Pedersoli has indeed bought out Euroarms, and the rumor mill has it (from a fellow who goes by Space Cowboy over on the N-SSA forum, who claims to be an editor for their Blackowder magazine) that Pedersoli will be bringing out a new line of ACW firearms, including Enfields, that will be improvements over the Euroarms line. Exactly to what extent they will be "improved" remains to be seen.

            Here is the thread:

            One of the best articles I have found about "authenticizing" Enfields is this one by Geoff Walden:

            Mr. Walden says:
            "If you do not already own a reproduction Enfield, your choice depends on a number of factors. If you wish to shoot live rounds, the earlier Parker-Hale is generally considered the most accurate in an as-issued condition, especially with Enfield-style Pritchett bullets, since it accurately reproduced the original Enfield-style rifling. However, this make is the most expensive, and it can be harder and costlier to authenticize, depending on the type of Enfield you choose to reproduce. The Italian guns are generally somewhat easier to authenticize and are definitely cheaper. Of these, the Armi Sport has a jump on the Euroarms, because it has more authentic barrel bands, but it has other faults which are not shared by the Euroarms model. Of course, if you already own an Enfield, just authenticize what you have."

            Emphasis mine.

            Today, if you want to buy a new reproduction, your only option is really the ArmiSport. The Pedersoli Enfields, if they are even available yet, are probably just leftover Euroarms rifles with Pedersoli prices.

            Hope that was helpful,
            Steve Sheldon

