Union Army Issue Eating Utensils
Ever since I could not really find any good threads on the subject on the forums here, what sources are there on Union army issue eating utensils? All I know so far is what I have been told by the guy who runs the "Fields of Glory" shop in Gettysburg. Apparently, many manufacturers of utensils were employed by the Union army to make utensils, so that resulted in numerous forms of utensils and no standard forms. Any advice on how to further pursue research and where to buy reproductions of a set that would have been used during the war? I am trying to get away from using equipment that is over represented, like the fork-spoon-knife combination, and to get other pieces of equipment that were commonly used as well.
Ever since I could not really find any good threads on the subject on the forums here, what sources are there on Union army issue eating utensils? All I know so far is what I have been told by the guy who runs the "Fields of Glory" shop in Gettysburg. Apparently, many manufacturers of utensils were employed by the Union army to make utensils, so that resulted in numerous forms of utensils and no standard forms. Any advice on how to further pursue research and where to buy reproductions of a set that would have been used during the war? I am trying to get away from using equipment that is over represented, like the fork-spoon-knife combination, and to get other pieces of equipment that were commonly used as well.