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Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

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  • Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot


    I'm NOT trying to be farby here, but a guy in my unit went and bought a pair of Army of Potomac gaitors from this place instead of Scott Wallick like we have in our recruitment packet. I assume this place is junky like the cheap prices illustrate. Could someone give me some details on this place so I know? Could I also have a little advice in how to deal with my fella short of kicking him out of the unit?


    Larry Kitner, Pres.
    72nd PA. Co. K

  • #2
    Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

    I have dealt with the PQM in the past. In my opinion, PQM offers standard mainstreamer items, and from my experience is not by any means pretending to be anything but that.

    Based on my personal experience, most items are made 'off shore' and are mass produced and are not necessarily historically accurate. He buys from the same 'off shore' sources that many of the 'Sutler Row' mainstream suppliers acquire their goods from. Some stuff is made in the USA, but that seems to be the exception, not the rule. The leathers are all made off shore, and from experience can tell you that the black dye (shoe polish?) used on the leathers will run and bleed onto your jacket or shirt as soon as it gets wet. Based on comparisons in quality and workmanship, I would say that PQM offers the same quality and appears to offer the exact same items as many other mainstream sutlers. The most direct side by side comparison I did was with a pair of pants, and a sack coat against the ones being offered by Regimental Quartermaster. Seems to be the exact same materials, patterns, etc., for both sutlers.

    For a newbie in a mainstream unit that is only doing a few events a year, then the PQM may meet most of your needs and your entry level budget. HOWEVER, as it has been said many, many times, you will be better off buying quality up front and saving money in the long run if you are at all serious about the hobby. Hope this helps.

    Keep in mind that your milage may vary.

    And as they say, wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from mistakes ... and boy am I experienced!

    B Mackay
    Pvt 97th PVI Co B
    Brian Mackay
    Private, 97th PVI Co B


    • #3
      Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

      Hey Fellas,

      It kinda resolved itself...he cancelled the order. I emailed him about it and he called and told me that he cancelled the order...which I'm glad for. I still want to know about PQD though. Then I'll know if somebody asks.

      Larry Kitner, Pres.
      72nd PA, Co. K


      • #4
        Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

        Have you gone to the PQD website? Take a look and formulate your opinion therefrom.
        Andy Redd


        • #5
          Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

          When I first started in the hobby I came across this sutler and foolishly bought some things..... it was my first event and none of my pards had ever seen this sutler before.... to put it mildly.... avoid this place like the PLAGUE! Forget authenticity, their stuff will fall apart by your second event mark my word. I bought the gaiters since my unit normally represents the 7th NJ. They didn't look too bad, though they were no Scott Wallicks'. They completely fell apart during my second event. Luckily, I learned my lesson and didn't waste a lot of money.
          Donald Lopuzzo
          Bugler/ Acting Drum Major
          7th Regiment Infantry N.J. Vols.


          • #6
            Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

            Thanks Bugler Don...I appreciate your time and advice. I kinda figured that it was junk with a capital J. My Dad always said that you get what you pay for. I was never one for gold plated he said that you get more money in the stuff if you buy it twice instead of getting the right stuff the first time, just save back your money. I had to talk with Chris Sullivan last night and he kinda filled me in as well!

            Thanks again for your time and info!!!

            Larry Kitner, Pres.
            72nd PA, Co. K


            • #7
              Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

              I did buy some smaller items from him via his eBay store. Okay for infrequent main stream events. I concur with the adage mentioned earlier "Buy it right the first time."

              What I wanted to mention is that I contacted him via ebay to ask questions about a particular item (lost to my immediate memory now). What concerns me is that I contacted him several times and I never received a reply. So, in addition to what is mentioned above, I say buyer beware. I mean, if you are
              not going to answer questions about a product before I buy, what is my post purchase support going to be like?

              Lance Brown
              6th Battery Maine Light Artillery
              [SIZE=4][SIZE=4][B]Lance Brown[/B][/SIZE][COLOR=#000000]

              [/SIZE][LEFT] [/LEFT]


              • #8
                Re: Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot

                Given the age of this thread, the discussion is on a vendor not up to the standards strived for here and the needed points are made the thread has been closed.

                Jeremy Bevard
                Civil War Digital Digest
                Sally Port Mess

