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The Conscript Union Soldier

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  • The Conscript Union Soldier

    I'm not one to grab the blue jacket but I am starting to get into progressing and need a bit of help on my union impression. I am going to be portraying a common Union New York or western federal impression.
    Any imput would be helpful, specificly clothing and acoutraments. Who makes the best and why.
    I'll look around some more as this forum has proven indespesible to me with all the links and articles.

    James Peli

  • #2
    Re: The Conscript Union Soldier

    Forage cap, sack coat and sky blue trousers. This basic kit will get you anywhere, with few exceptions. For the "best" look here to the approved vendor pages only the best advertise here.
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
    Past President Potomac Legion
    Long time member Columbia Rifles
    Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


    • #3
      Re: The Conscript Union Soldier

      Grumpy has give perfect advice. Toss in a Hardee or Dress hat, untrimmed/adorned for more Western Federal events and you have a great start.

      Ask you more experienced comrades about the type of Federal impressions that you may choose to recreate as a group. Good luck with your search, and do not stop reading and researching!
      Herb Coats
      Armory Guards &


      • #4
        Re: The Conscript Union Soldier

        As a starter point when I first started to put together a federal impression, I looked over the various federal soldier guidelines of some of the better events out there. The various theatre events may help you fine tune your western/eastern impression.

        While this is not the be all end all, this will show what is required of federal soldiers at your more " stricter guideline" events. From this starting point I was able to reserach individual aspects of my impressions, ( theatre, year, etc.) and then research who was making the best version of this and that. Once you have the essentials, then you if you want, you can work on a specific impression of a certain regiment, etc.
        Last edited by Mtn.Guerilla; 04-05-2012, 10:27 AM. Reason: caint' spell
        Eric N. Harley-Brown
        Currently known to associate with the WIG/AG

        "It has never been fully realized, nor appreciated by the people of the North-the great part in preserving the Union, the brave, loyal,and patriotic Union men, in the mountainous parts of the Southern states, rendered" - Orderly Sgt. Silas P. Woodall (2nd grt. grnd...) member of "Kennemers Union Scouts & Guides"-organized in Woodville, Alabama 1863.


        • #5
          Re: The Conscript Union Soldier

          Or even better (stealing Eric's thunder) Check this link from the AC regarding original images:

          There are a LOT of Western Federal images at the Library of Congress website as well. Many are great camp scenes that do not have the photographers props that the studio images have. You can't go wrong with looking at the original photos.
          Herb Coats
          Armory Guards &


          • #6
            Re: The Conscript Union Soldier

            If we look at a fresh regiment of union soldiers, most of their equipment was federal issue. There was little or no usage of militia hardpacks or smoothbores after 1861. So, a model 1855 to 1861 model springfield is your best bet. They woeld also have been issued the accessories to their rifles such as Tampions, a worm, a bore scraper and the musket tool. Their brass would be shiny and their clothing with little or no dirt on it. All would have bayonets with a 2 rivit scabbard. Now, homespun undergarments would be very desired, however goverment issue drawers and shirts were in definet usage. By issue shirts I mean the grey wool issue shirts, not the doment flannel issue shirts. While on campaign, tents were scarce, so a good brown issue blanket and a rubberized blanket will give the same desired results. You may also use your overcoat if that is all you have. The issue knapsacks would be very prominent in the ranks, but the early issue knapsacks would have more rivets in them then sewing. Pants should be of sky blue J.T. Martin trousers with a good bit of hand working, same as the jacket. Haversacks should be tarred not the white cloth contract haversacks. Belts should have leather loops and puppy paw belt buckles. all brass should be shiny and new. A regulation Hardee hat with no trim or plum or any of that. Just a plain issue Hardee or a black flat top slouch will work. Canteens should be smoothside regulation Cincinnati Depot with a grey or brown jean cover, with a regulation leather sling or issue cotton sling with keeper.

            Well, that's what I got so far, feel free to critique me as you wish.
            James Peli

