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Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

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  • Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

    I am considering making my own Confederate shirt circa 1863 at Vicksburg. What is the best material and patterns to use? And could you provide me with some links or info on fabrics used in Confederate shirts?


    David, full name please - Mike Chapman
    Last edited by dusty27; 03-14-2004, 04:18 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

    Try the search function up and to the right or follow this link
    It should lead you in the right direction.
    Good luck,
    Eric "Woody" Woodward


    • #3
      Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

      I am considering making my own Confederate shirt circa 1863 at Vicksburg. What is the best material and patterns to use? And could you provide me with some links or info on fabrics used in Confederate shirts?QUOTE]

      Vicksburg you say? You mite check out page 155 of the Reb version of Echoes of Glory. Thare's a real nifty picture of a shirt made outa a table cloth with a black velvet placket that was worn by a Confederate at Vicksburg. Don't know where you could get such a wild looking fabric, but the pattern is probly a common civilian one.


      • #4
        Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

        Hum ! With respect, this shirt, made in table cloth, is a very special item even if the pattern by himself look very standart ! I am not sure you must use it as model to replicate it !!! ;)

        I don’t think the soldiers shirts near Vicksburg were very different thant those of the others area of the period but i may be wrong !
        The best is to use any good civilian pattern from an approved vendor with appropriate fabric and historical accurate sewing technics.
        [I]Gettysburg 1993
        Red River Campaign, April 3-9 1994[/I]

        Jean-Marc "Blum" Atlan


        • #5
          Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

          Hum. With respect, of course, yes it is special "even if the pattern by himself look very standart." Whatever that means. However, this gentleman's impression is of a Confederate at Vicksburg during 1863. This very shirt saw service at that very place at that very time. I'd say it would be perfectly fine for his impression.

          Also considering that Vicksburg was heavily under siege and the defenders were reduced to eating mules, why wouldn't they be reduced to making shirts out of tablecloth. Obviously they were. Desperite times call for desperite measures.


          • #6
            Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

            Originally posted by D1861

            Vicksburg you say? You mite check out page 155 of the Reb version of Echoes of Glory. Thare's a real nifty picture of a shirt made outa a table cloth with a black velvet placket that was worn by a Confederate at Vicksburg. Don't know where you could get such a wild looking fabric, but the pattern is probly a common civilian one.

            Not exactly what I would call Everyday Common. If you want to portray that ONE GUY, during THAT ONE CAMPAIGN go right ahead. Like JMA said;

            "The best is to use any good civilian pattern from an approved vendor with appropriate fabric and historical accurate sewing technics."
            Robert Johnson

            "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

            In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


            • #7
              Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

              When did I say anything about it being common? I recall saying "However, this gentleman's impression is of a Confederate at Vicksburg during 1863. This very shirt saw service at that very place at that very time. I'd say it would be perfectly fine for his impression." I did not say it was common. I did not say it was "best". JUST THOUGHT that the dude MIGHT find it of interest considering HE SPECIFICALLY ASKED about CONFEDERATE SHIRTS at VICKSBURG in 1863. Sorry for any inconvenience, SIR.


              • #8
                Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                Originally posted by kemper_rifles
                When did I say anything about it being common? I recall saying "However, this gentleman's impression is of a Confederate at Vicksburg during 1863. This very shirt saw service at that very place at that very time. I'd say it would be perfectly fine for his impression." I did not say it was common. I did not say it was "best". JUST THOUGHT that the dude MIGHT find it of interest considering HE SPECIFICALLY ASKED about CONFEDERATE SHIRTS at VICKSBURG in 1863. Sorry for any inconvenience, SIR.
                Just to add my tu'pence to this discussion about the shirt, I agree we are all trying to portray a generic impression but does this mean we must all wear the same shirts etc.... The shirt the gentleman is talking about is a documented artifact and although I'm sure this type of shirt was not as common as your general civillian check/stripe or military issue shirt it did exist as did I'm sure other shirts of a similar ilk. And someone in a mess wearing one (as long as the materials and construction methods are researched and period correct) would I belive make for a good impression, what would be wrong if lots of fellow turned up wearing such items.
                Also getting the correct material for such a shirt would be a labour of love in itself. Would you try and find a 19th C table cloth which would have to be in excellent condition for the purpose you need it for, pay what I expect would be alot of money for it and then proceed to cut it up so you can make your shirt? If your answer is yes...GREAT it'll make a excellent shirt if the answer is no then you'll have to concider where you can get a suitable material, maybe I'll stand corrected but I don't know of anyone who does such stuff although FHW might. You can always get some made but that won't be cheap.
                Anyway make your shirt it'll look great, and you'll certainly stand out!

                Gil Howard
                LazyJacks Mess


                • #9
                  Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                  Originally posted by D1861
                  I am considering making my own Confederate shirt circa 1863 at Vicksburg. What is the best material and patterns to use? And could you provide me with some links or info on fabrics used in Confederate shirts?


                  David, full name please - Mike Chapman
                  I have 3 shirts made from Charlie Child's "Lousiana" pattern. You can read about the pattern at:
                  Thay were all hand made by my dear Mother. She has many years of sewing experience. She said the pattern and instructions were pretty simple, but the collar requires a little work. You may want to pay special attention there before you sew it on permanently.
                  The shirting material and thread for all 3 has come from Pat Kline at Family Heirloom Weavers. If you are lucky, you can catch some shirting on the remnant rack and save a few bucks. Great people to deal with!
                  I also got a great deal on original bone buttons off E-BAY, you might want to check there.
                  I hope this helps!
                  Tommy Rollings
                  8th SCVI


                  • #10
                    Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                    I'm waiting for someone to be brave enough to market that weird crossed-battle flag print shirt in the collection of the MoC. According to their notes, which I don't have in front of me at the moment, it was allegedly a common blockade-run fabric. Anyone see this stuff turn up elsewhere?
                    Marc A. Hermann
                    Liberty Rifles.
                    MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
                    Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

                    In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


                    • #11
                      Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                      Originally posted by FranklinGuardsNYSM
                      I'm waiting for someone to be brave enough to market that weird crossed-battle flag print shirt in the collection of the MoC. According to their notes, which I don't have in front of me at the moment, it was allegedly a common blockade-run fabric. Anyone see this stuff turn up elsewhere?
                      I remember seeing that magenta monstrosity a few years back & after seeing it closehand I was glad that it was where it was, in a drawer in the Museum of the Confederacy. That's about the last thing folks need to see, bad reenactors by the dozens walking around any mega-battle event sporting poor copies of that shirt! :tounge_sm I would make a case for folks just wearing plain old boring, cotton osnaburg shirts in various patterns, all put together by hand and done up well. You really do not see it often enough amongst the rank and file of Confederate living historians.
                      [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman]En Obtien!...James T. Miller[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


                      • #12
                        Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                        Originally posted by D1861
                        I am considering making my own Confederate shirt circa 1863 at Vicksburg. What is the best material and patterns to use? And could you provide me with some links or info on fabrics used in Confederate shirts?


                        David, full name please - Mike Chapman
                        Find a copy of "Thoughts on Men's Shirts in America 1790-1900" and pick out a style from the appropriate period that you like. Plain white cotton such as
                        osnaburg or a shirting fabric from a recommended vendor would be a good way to go. If you aren't familiar with things like felled seams, & handfinished buttonholes, you might want to have someone show you how to do them. Happy stitching!


                        • #13
                          Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                          Originally posted by FranklinGuardsNYSM
                          I'm waiting for someone to be brave enough to market that weird crossed-battle flag print shirt in the collection of the MoC. According to their notes, which I don't have in front of me at the moment, it was allegedly a common blockade-run fabric. Anyone see this stuff turn up elsewhere?
                          I saw something similar several years ago at an exhibit on children's clothing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. There was a young girl's dress made from a fabric printed with crossed US flags and cannons. They also had the child's doll dressed in the same fabric. I don't remember if the garment was part of the Met's collection or on loan from another museum.

                          I'm not familiar with the shirt you mentioned, so I don't know how similar or different the two fabrics are, but I have several other references for period textiles printed with similar designs. And there was a post-war woman's dress on display at the 1860s Conference several years ago made from a fabric printed with presidential campaign motifs for General Grant. :)
                          Carolann Schmitt
                          20th Annual Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860s Conference, March 6-9, 2014


                          • #14
                            Re: Confederate shirt fabrics and patterns?

                            Thanks guys, I'm going to try the Louisiana shirt pattern. And if I see a 140 year old table cloth laying around I'll steal it.

                            David Slay

