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Ever think about trying a cph event please read

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  • Ever think about trying a cph event please read

    If you have ever thought about trying a progressive style event please read.

    To further the post about the ONV I will add my testimonial. Somewhere around 8 years ago I took what I felt was an exciting “risk” in my hobby. I took the plunge and registered for a progressive or EBUFU event. Not sure who to go with I signed up with a company that was filled with men from the ONV. I have made a couple upgrades to my kit but was not all the way there (I had a good coat, hat and pack) and borrowed some other items from a friend (blanket and canteen I think).

    When I first arrived I was very nervous. Not only did I not know anyone in the company but I had never done an event like this. I did do research on the impression before hand so I was ready, I felt, information and attitude wise which is all that was needed.

    Right away I had two men introduce themselves to me. One was Tom Klas who just posted the recruiting thread for the ONV. I never had anything to be nervous about.

    To shorten a long story I had the time of my life! I finished dirty and exhausted but made new friends that I have been attending events with as often as possible ever since that weekend. Some of my best memories are still from that first campaigner weekend. Over the years I have added so many more.

    So, if you have ever wanted to give this type of experience a shot please contact someone in the ONV. You will not be disappointed. I would happy to point you in the direction of which contact/mess is closest to your area.

    We are all groups in the Midwest that do take our impressions and kits serious. We push ourselves and others to do first person at the events we attend together. At the same time I believe we are happy to teach, guide and loan gear to those that want to give the progressive events a go.

    Here is a link to the thread mentioned
    Last edited by Jeremy Bevard; 02-02-2013, 09:45 AM. Reason: added link

    Jeremy Bevard
    Civil War Digital Digest
    Sally Port Mess