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Sewing A Battle Flag

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  • Sewing A Battle Flag

    Howdy Pards, I'm about to start a new project and needs some pointers. Does anyone know where I can find some info on confederate battle flags. I realize that there was no cookie cutter patterns and being a hand made item all differed slightly. I'm not looking to make a particular units flag but a generic yet authentic facsimile. My questions so far ....
    1.What material? Silk or cotton (or both).
    2.Average dimensions? I've heard anything from 32x32 to 54x54.
    3.Since there's no grommets do they use ties or aside sleeve for attaching it to a flag pole.
    I had a whole list but now that I'm writing I can't remember the rest, I appreciate any help and if anyone can think of any useful information to add I'd be really grateful.
    Thanks agin in advance.
    Eric Armour
    Shepherdsville, Kentucky
    eric armour

  • #2
    Re: Sewing A Battle Flag


    That website has good starting info about the various patterns that saw usage in different theaters of the war. A regiment in the Army of Northern Virginia would be using a different flag than a regiment in the Army of Tennessee, which would be still different from a unit in the Vicksburg garrison. Read carefully and you will get some ideas as to trends and time frames.

    Will MacDonald


    • #3
      Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

      You could try one of these kits. That's the way I would go.

      Andrew Schultz

      Possum Skinners Mess

      Buzzards Mess


      • #4
        Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

        Are you interested in trying to make a regimental battle flag or one of the confederate national flags?

        Will gives some fantastic advice and a great reference. My advice is to be sure of what you want to make first. Then research research research so that when you are finished you will have something usable that you can document.

        You might try contacting some of the vendors who produce correct flags. At one point I think Ben Tart was producing a flag kit and could definatly point you toward the correct materials and is probably a good source for them as well.
        Good luck in your project!
        Luke Gilly
        Breckinridge Greys
        Lodge 661 F&AM

        "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


        • #5
          Re: Sewing A Battle Flag


          A quickie reference for the nine distinct ANV battle flags is Richard Rollins 1997 "The Damned Red Flags of the Rebellion: The Confederate Battle Flag at Gettysburg."

          And then there are other battle flags.

          Fond of the Second Bunting Issue Mess
          Curt Schmidt
          In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

          -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
          -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
          -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
          -Vastly Ignorant
          -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


          • #6
            Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

            I think Andrew and I must have been on the same page at the same time!
            Luke Gilly
            Breckinridge Greys
            Lodge 661 F&AM

            "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


            • #7
              Re: Sewing A Battle Flag


              Having seen several of the Confederate flags in the Iowa Historical Society collection up close I would recommend cotton. At least if you are going for a western theatre flag. Interestingly enough the Confederate flags in the ISHS collection being that they were made of cotton are holding up far better than the silk flags the Iowa Regiments were issued.

              I am also attaching the link to the Iowa Battle Flags Project page. It has a sampling of some of the Confederate flags in their collection. I believe they have around 30 Reb flags that were brought home/ donated by Iowa troops after the war.

              The State Historical Society of Iowa has been a trustee of Iowa’s historical legacy since 1857. Its mission preserves, educates, and researches Iowa’s history.

              You may want to contact the person running the Iowa Battle Flags Project she is very knowledgable and helpful with questions. Her name is Sheila Hanke and her contact information is on the website I believe.

              Good Luck
              Louis Zenti

              Pvt. Albert R. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-W.I.A. February 15, 1862)
              Pvt. William H. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-K.I.A. February 15, 1862 Ft. Donelson)
              Pvt. Simon Sams (Co. C, 18th Iowa Inf.-K.I.A. January 8, 1863 Springfield, MO)
              Pvt. Elisha Cox (Co. C, 26th North Carolina Inf.-W.I.A. July 3, 1863 Gettysburg)

              " the hottest of the fight, some of the rebs yelled out...them must be Iowa boys". Charles O. Musser 29th Iowa Infantry


              • #8
                Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

                Thanks All, I'm going to join the Breckinridge Greys so I think I'm gonna do some research on their flag. Anyone know where to start looking for info on their flag, books, websites etc?
                Eric Armour
                Shepherdsville, Ky.
                eric armour


                • #9
                  Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

                  Good to hear! You may want to contact chad or Brian. They can steer you in the right direction. We really do most of our events portraying the units appropriate for the event. Meaning, it could be a different flag for every event. But check with chad and he will know more about what's coming up. Hope to see you in the field soon!
                  Luke Gilly
                  Breckinridge Greys
                  Lodge 661 F&AM

                  "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                  • #10
                    Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

                    I've been in talking to Brian the last couple of months, he's been most helpful and welcoming. I look foreword to meeting with everyone and being a useful part of the unit. I'm a quick study and an avid student of history. I've been reenacting for about 18yrs but have been drawn to the ACW for the past several years, I like the level of authenticity, it's sometimes questionable in other eras. Thanks for the warm welcome and look foreword to meeting everyone. I'm hoping to take to the field by Perryville!
                    Eric Armour
                    Shepherdsville, Ky.
                    eric armour


                    • #11
                      Re: Sewing A Battle Flag

                      contact the state archives, they can be very helpful in getting dimensions, type of material, lettering specs, etc.
                      Paul Wolbeck, Captain
                      33rd AL Inf

                      Pvt. Ezra Walker
                      36th OH, Co G Salem Light Guard

