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Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

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  • Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

    So what am I talking about???? Some of us have those gray areas where we cannot be 100% authentic due to modern necessities (before I get hammered, I mean things like medicines, contacts, heart monitors being the xtreme). It has taken me years of trial and error to get a kit together for contacts where I can almost do it and nobody notices or at least everything is realistically authentic down to the actual contacts themselves and I am okay with it. This is the best that I can do since glasses are just not doable for me even at home for the most part. Medicines are fairly easy to hide and protect....I have worked mine into a small match package inside of a housewife. But what about sunscreen?

    Was there any protection from sunburn in the period other than a large hat? If so, how was it carried. If not, are there any suggestions on carrying sunscreen? I've seen folks carry it in small tins inside of their knapsack. But i'd like to see an original example of a small surviving tin left over from a soldier's kit. Some people use cap tins, however, it seems to me that the average soldier in the field may not have access to a "cap tin" since it seems to be the norm that caps came in rolls in the arsenal package. Does anyone have images of small pill containters that are capable of holding period sunscreen if it existed or modern sunscreen if that's the best available?

    Mods, if this needs to be moved to the Sinks please move. I placed it here because my search is for the authenticity of sun protection as well as the authenticity of a solider carrying small tins in his personal belongings.
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast

  • #2
    Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

    I don't have an answer to your question about sunscreen, but I am curious about your contact kit. I wear them also and tend to keep some drops in the truck and hope for the best the rest of the weekend. If I loose one, or have to take them out it's not a big deal as I have such a mild prescription, but still would like to keep cleaning stuff available.
    Scott Sheets
    Joliet, IL

    36th Illinois
    Dirty Shirts


    • #3
      Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

      From what I have read, an effective sunscreen was developed during and immediately after WWII. I suspect that most CW soldiers spent a good deal of their time outdoors, so they had a natural tan on those areas not covered in clothing i.e. hands, faces, necks. Just my opinion, but when health issues and authenticity conflict, the health issue trumps.
      Andy Redd


      • #4
        Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

        I suspect that most CW soldiers spent a good deal of their time outdoors, so they had a natural tan on those areas not covered in clothing i.e. hands, faces, necks
        What about all the store clerks, teachers, accountants etc. Were not most of their working days spent indoors before becoming CW soldiers?
        Beth Crabb

        John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009


        • #5
          Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????


          Perhaps giving rise to what we call "Farmer's Tans" as evidenced by say the Harewood Hospital images.

          IMHO, what is hard, is that it can be difficult to ascertain the degree of facial and hand tanning because Period image tonal quality can play tricks when all we see are faces and hands with less exposed areas under uniforms.
          And the developing makes the skin tones darker than they were.

          IMHO still, I believe the whole idea of other than high mountain elevations such as the Alps and "glacier burn" for example, may be a more recent concern becasue of more modern understand of UV radiation, skin type exposure cancer detection (versus "age spots"), and a larger percentage of the population living long enough to develop facial melanomas and carcinomas.

          Bergwanderner Mess
          Curt Schmidt
          In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

          -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
          -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
          -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
          -Vastly Ignorant
          -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


          • #6
            Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

            I once tried carrying sunblock in a small tin. It reacted with the iron in the tin and that white cream looked just like ketchup after less than a day. Was it still capable of blocking UV A/B at that point? I have no idea... I just knew I wasn't putting that stuff on my skin and that was the last time I ever attempted to carry sunblock.

            As for contacts, I wear disposables. Just like any other medication, rewetting drops and spare contacts can be carried in a "ditty bag" in your kit. I carry those "just in case", but rarely need to do anything. If I have to "take care of business" with my contacts, I get out of sight. I don't want to be a booger on anyone's window to the past.
            John Wickett
            Former Carpetbagger
            Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


            • #7
              Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

              Sun screen? I have a small glass bottle/cork with an opening about as big around as your index finger. the bottle's about an inch and a half long. I keep it inside a poke sack in my haversack. Nobody has ever said a thing. And, my sunscreen does double duty. I mix SPF 30 with oil of burn, no bugs. Not that I have much trouble with sunburn in any case.
              [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
              Past President Potomac Legion
              Long time member Columbia Rifles
              Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


              • #8
                Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                I have found the Month long contacts not to be of much an issue in the field. As long as I have been wearing them a week prior to the event they feel as part of my eye and I often forget I wear them. I never have dust or allergy trouble with them as they are engineered to protect your eyes from such things. But heaven forbid I loose one.

                I don't think contacts are a huge issue to concern with authenticity if you aren't needing to hide behind a bush to take them out every night, and carrying a modern case for them. I always keep my period glasses in my knapsack just in case though.
                Jonathan Siltman
                24th Missouri Vol. Inf.
                Bully Boys Mess
                Ft. Sill Museum Gun Crew
                Good ol' Fashion Troublemaker


                • #9
                  Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                  In the past, I've seen authentics apply sunscreens and or bug spray to their bodies before they got dressed in the parking lot. My guess would be to buy the water proof sunscreen so it doesn't go away with sweat. Then you just tough it out for the rest of the weekend until you get back to the parking lot.

                  Aaron Schwieterman


                  • #10
                    Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                    Originally posted by HOG.EYE.MAN View Post
                    In the past, I've seen authentics apply sunscreens and or bug spray to their bodies before they got dressed in the parking lot. My guess would be to buy the water proof sunscreen so it doesn't go away with sweat. Then you just tough it out for the rest of the weekend until you get back to the parking lot.
                    Places like cabelas, Bass Pro, etc. sell bug spray that you put on your clothes before you go out. I use that stuff and it's great and it lasts more than just the weekend.
                    Brandon English

                    "There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell."--William T. Sherman


                    • #11
                      Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                      Period-correct critter repellent: Take a bag of powdered sulphur and pat it on your legs and exposed areas as well as some on the bottom of your pants legs. Keeps away chiggers.
                      Johnny Lloyd
                      John "Johnny" Lloyd
                      Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                      Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                      "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                      Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                      Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                      Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                      Proud descendant of...


                      • #12
                        Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                        Thanks for the replies. I can't find the source right now to show it but I have read that Christopher Columbus noted in the 1400's that natives painted themselves red and black for sun protection. Also in ancient Egypt they used a form of sunscreen when training for the Olympics (usually nude).
                        In Repairing the March of Mars, Apperson often shows in his prescription notes that he gave lineaments...On page 95 he says lineament to be put on the face. Possibly for burns??? Wonder what kind of container he passed those along in.
                        For what it's worth, White Cloverine Salve claims to have been around since 1860.
                        I'm not too worried about the authenticity of the sun screen itself (and especially not contacts). My concern is more toward period examples of tins/containers!viles containing salve or possibly an early form of sun screen or lineament that were carried by a soldier.
                        The small glass bottle is an option. I'm a little worried about breaking it but probably not a problem if tucked away in the right place.
                        Great part of this forum: curiosity leads to great discussion.
                        Luke Gilly
                        Breckinridge Greys
                        Lodge 661 F&AM

                        "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                        • #13
                          Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                          Original period glass bottles abound...Ebay and Etsy are great places to look...especially when you have an idea what you're looking for. Just picked up one myself this week for hoss liniment...original embossed (I believe that's the term...raised letters in relief on the surface) clear glass...a bargain at twice the price when you think about it...just have to exercise due diligence in protecting them.
                          Jeff Nichols
                          Valley Light Horse


                          • #14
                            Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                            There are tons of examples of small glass jars and porcalin jars that were used for different types of salves and medicines. You can even find examples of the lables for them online. Why not go this rout. If you keep some sun screen in a small white porcalin jar with a lable of some sort of salve... that should solve your problem. You can also keep bug repellant in a small glass bottle with another medicine lable on it. Then just pour some on your hands and then rub on the intended areas.

                            Back in the day...Bug releppant came in plastic containers and and you had to apply it this ways before they developed it in a spray. I would be willing to bet you can still find it packaged this way if you look.

                            So by storing this stuff in period jars and bottles, with labels you print out... that should meet your needs. The glass and porcalin jars should not react to the cemicals in the sun screen or bug repellant the way a metal tin would.

                            Another tip... for you. For chapped lips... try nipple cream (For nursing mothers). Its thicker than lip balm and works wonders. This can be stored in a tin or jar no problem. Got this tip from pre-natal classes about 9 years ago. If its safe to go from Mamma's nipple to baby's lips... its safe for you!
                            Brad Ireland
                            Old Line Mess
                            4th VA CO. A


                            • #15
                              Re: Authentic Enough Gray Areas????

                              I got laser eye surgery and got rid of my contacts!!
                              As for bug repellant, I got the same stuff they treated our Desert Cammies with before deploying to the Middle East; Permithrin. (Some of you on here who played in the sand may remember getting desert uniforms and a package of this stuff and told to soak them in it and let it air dry) You can find it on line or at places like Dicks Sporting goods and maybe Cabelas. Not cheap, but you apply it and it lasts 6-8 weeks, especially if you don't machine wash, so for most of our gear it should last.
                              Works good from my experience so far.
                              Frank Siltman
                              24th Mo Vol Inf
                              Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
                              Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
                              Company of Military Historians
                              Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

                              Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein

