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A question regarding hats...

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  • A question regarding hats...

    Hello all,
    I normally do not post, but my husband and I need some advice regarding hats. Last year, he purchased a beaver skin hat from Dirty Billy in Gettysburg. We've taken impeccable care of it, but on the last day of the GAC Gettysburg event, it rained quite hard, and his had hasn't been the same sense. We dried it out properly, used the insert Dirty Billy sells to keep your hat from shrinking, etc. But, the hat band is completely ruined. Parts of the leather have torn off, and are sticking out in all directions. We have attempted to call his store multiple times over a 2 week period, to see about shipping it to him for repair, but alas, he won't give us the time of day.

    My husband's impression is one of the Orphan Brigade, specifically the 5th KY. He is also a 2nd sergeant in our unit, so his impression has progressed with his rank. Unfortunately, kepis, just don't work on his head. We are looking for something similar to his previous hat, but with more quality. Does anyone have an suggestions for reputable hat merchants?

    Thanks in advance,
    Kristen Mosley

  • #2
    Re: A question regarding hats...

    Mrs. Mosley,

    I am sorry to hear of your experience. I would encourage you to keep trying to work with Mr. Wickham to see if you can find a satisfactory resolution to your issue.

    If you are looking for an alternate hat source, I would direct you to our Approved Vendors page. Tim Bender has a variety of military and civilian hat patterns and is well-regarded among A-C members.

    Best of luck to you!
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


    • #3
      Re: A question regarding hats...

      I like working with Tim Bender (who I believe is an approved vendor). His work is grand and his customer service even better.

      As an aside, I will say that the Kentucky brigade was issued large numbers of caps throughout the war.
      Pat Brown


      • #4
        Re: A question regarding hats...


        Hat sweat bands can be replaced. I have purchased a replacement band from the aforementioned Mr. Bender for d-i-y replacement. I didn't actually do it myself, but had a pard with sewing prowess do it for me. For someone with such experience, it is not at all problematic. Much more cost effective than replacing the entire thing. All that was required to order was an accurate size measurement...he even pre-punched the thread holes for me prior to shipping. Don't recall the actual cost, but I believe it was under $20.

        If you or he is not comfortable taking on the task, I'd wager he has a pard in his mess who would be...if not, feel free to pm me...I have one who is. Bender's website:
        Jeff Nichols
        Valley Light Horse

