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Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

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  • Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

    Hello, my apologies if this isn't the right place to post this.

    I remember seeing somewhere, I could have sworn it was here, a study on where CW troops wore their canteens and haversacks, how short the straps were. I remember the findings being most were worn at the elbow height. I've searched about every word combo I could think of in the search bar here and via google and haven't been able to come up with it. I'm trying to help someone embrace the dark side of the hobby, wanted to show him this research article... really wished I had bookmarked it :-/

    Bob Martin
    Company A "Chesapeake Rifles"
    Chesapeake Volunteer Guard

  • #2
    Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height


    • #3
      Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

      I saw that thread, it's mostly a discussion on haversack patterns and what not about making them. It doesn't have the article I'm in search of. It's one where the researches examined many many original photos and noted the height of where the traps were. Maybe it's the CRRC I'm thinking of... it was an article on par with that work.
      thanks though
      Bob Martin
      Company A "Chesapeake Rifles"
      Chesapeake Volunteer Guard


      • #4
        Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height


        I believe you are looking for the article "A Study" or "An Analysis of the Wearing of Haversacks and Canteens" by Christopher Graham. I did a search here and there is a link under "Articles on Uniforms and Equipment" (posted 12-30-2006) but the link would not open. I also did an on-line search and appeared one equipment and uniform lists for various reenactment groups but, again, the links were dead. I also did a quick check in the CRRC 2nd ed., Silas' Reenacting Links, and Lazy Jacks Mess, again with no result.
        Bob Roeder

        "I stood for a time and cried as freely as boys do when things hurt most; alone among the dead, then covered his face with an old coat I ran away, for I was alone passing dead men all about as I went". Pvt. Nathaniel C. Deane (age 16, Co D 21st Mass. Inf.) on the death of his friend Pvt. John D. Reynolds, May 31, 1864.


        • #5
          Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

          I do believe that is the one. Thank you for your assistance! Here and on PM. I really wish I could remember where I saw it and that I had saved it :(

          Bob Martin
          Company A "Chesapeake Rifles"
          Chesapeake Volunteer Guard


          • #6
            Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

            From the site:
            Mike Barnes

            Blanket Collector (Hoarder)
            44th VA / 25th OH


            • #7
              Re: Looking for the study on canteen/haversack height

              It was linked here once upon a time (you can still see it listed on the links page), but the article has been down a long time.

              If anyone knows Chris, we'd love to have permission to post the article!
              John Wickett
              Former Carpetbagger
              Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

