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Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

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  • Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

    I am looking for some information on the uniforms for the union army ambulance corps..

    1. What color sash would they have worn?
    2. What would the shoulder straps have looked like?

    Any information or leads to some literature would be appreciated.

    Thank You
    Jason Dilts
    Jason Dilts

  • #2
    Re: Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

    The uniforms for the Ambulance Corps were what was already in use by the Army. With regard to special insignia, etc. here is some information distilled from Military Uniforms In America - Long Endure: The Civil War Period, 1852-1867 from the Company of Military Historians. This info can be found in many other sources but this was the most handy.

    Pg. 40 - Text and Plate by Edward Vebell & H. Michael Madaus

    Paragraph 14, General Orders No. 147 of 2 August 1862 [After the reorganization of the ambulance system by Medical Director Jon. Letterman of the AoP. General Orders No. 147, Army of the Potomac, 2 August 1862].
    The uniform of this corps is: For privates, a green band 2 inches broad around the cap, a green half chevron 2 inches broad on each arm above the elbow, and to be armed with revolvers; non-commissioned officers to wear the same band around the cap as a private, chevrons 2 inches broad and green, with point toward the shoulder, on each arm above the elbow.

    Revisions of 24 August 1863, Army of the Potomac, directed that:
    This corps will be designated: For Sergeants, by a green band 1 ½” broad around the cap, the chevrons of the same material, with the point toward the shoulder, on each arm above the elbow. For privates, a band the same as for sergeants around the cap, and a half chevron of the same material on each arm above the elbow.

    Also, the Eighteenth Corps, Army of the James, Department of the South - which later joined the Army of the Potomac in time for Cold Harbor – had adopted an ambulance system similar to the AoP. On 30 December 1862, the corps directed that:
    The uniform or distinctive badge of (ambulance men of ) this corps shall be, for private and noncommissioned officers, a broad red band around the cap with a knot upon the right side, and a red band, one inch wide, above the elbow of each arm.

    I know in my collection of books I have at least one personal memoir by a Federal ambulance driver, I'll see if I can find the title.

    There is also an original ambulance corps cap with the green band here:

    Hope this is of some assistance.
    Bob Roeder

    "I stood for a time and cried as freely as boys do when things hurt most; alone among the dead, then covered his face with an old coat I ran away, for I was alone passing dead men all about as I went". Pvt. Nathaniel C. Deane (age 16, Co D 21st Mass. Inf.) on the death of his friend Pvt. John D. Reynolds, May 31, 1864.


    • #3
      Re: Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

      The book I mentioned above is:

      The Civil War Journal of Private Heyward Emmell, Ambulance and Infantry Corps: A Very Disagreeable War by Jim Malcolm.

      There are also many titles from surgeons and stewards which may be of assistance in some insight into the experiences and duties of the hospital corpsman, for e.g.:

      Remember Me: Letters Home from a Hospital Steward during the Civil War 1862-1864 by Alan I. West

      Turn Them Out To Die Like a Mule: The Civil War Letters of John N. Henry, 49th New York, 1816-1865 - edited by John M. Priest

      All three are excellent books.
      Bob Roeder

      "I stood for a time and cried as freely as boys do when things hurt most; alone among the dead, then covered his face with an old coat I ran away, for I was alone passing dead men all about as I went". Pvt. Nathaniel C. Deane (age 16, Co D 21st Mass. Inf.) on the death of his friend Pvt. John D. Reynolds, May 31, 1864.


      • #4
        Re: Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

        Chevrons that point toward the shoulder?!?!?

        I think we have solved the mystery of this photo that has had many people stumped. Click image for larger version

Name:	Chevrons and Trousers.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	110.0 KB
ID:	224479
        David H. Thomas
        Starr's NC Battery
        Fayetteville, NC


        • #5
          Re: Union Ambulance Corps. Uniforms

          An example of the green half chevron used in the AOP.
          Attached Files
          Bob Williams
          26th North Carolina Troops

          As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana

