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Sashes on officers in the field.

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  • Sashes on officers in the field.

    I portray a down an out Irish immigrant 2nd L.T. in the 7th Connecticut Vol Inf aswell as a generic 2nd L.T. in the 6th Indiana Vol Inf. One was in the Army of the Gulf, the other switched between the Army of the Cumberland and the Ohio. Out of these two theaters of operation, how often would a junior officer "like myself" have worn a sash on campaign? I think not at all, but i would like to hear your opinions. Also would have L.T.'s worn sky blue enlistedmen's trousers alot on active campaign aswell as enlistedmen's haversacks instead of a privately purchased ones?


    Ethan S. Gallo
    Ethan S. Gallo

  • #2
    Re: Sashes on officers in the field.

    Eallo Ethan!

    Remember, it all depends on a LOT more than just the simple, basic beckground info you provided. Look at period photographs documented to time/theater you are doing and read letters/acounts of what you are portraying. consult primary source material and go from there. Here's a great place to start:

    The world's largest library. View historic photos, maps, books and more. Contact experts for help with research. Plan a visit. Home of U.S. Copyright Office.

    Images of officers on campaign indicate that yes, enlisted men's items were utilized, to a certain extent. I am in earnest,

