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rally by fours

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  • rally by fours

    Hello gentlemen,
    I have a question concerning files returning to battle line formation from a rally by fours position. I know the front rank two is supposed to be in charge of the files, but what if the number one man to his left is a corporal? Do you follow the orders of the front rank two or the corporal? Any light that could be shed on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Matthew Cassady
    Pvt. 104th Illinois Vol. Inf.
    [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady

  • #2
    Re: rally by fours


    I didn't see anything in my manuals backing up your understanding that the front rank two is "in charge." Rather, it's more that he's a kind of physical guide or almost focal point for the evolution and movement of the others in his group. "orders" are going to be coming from higher up the food chain than the corporal, in any event -- orders that would result in movement, like reforming the company, advancing, deploying, etc.

    So I think the sorting out you want is: the front rank two is an important focal point in skirmish drill, but the normal chain of command is preserved. Being a front-rank two in skirmisher mode doesn't convey any actual extra authority during the maneuver.

    Does that help?
    Bill Watson


    • #3
      Re: rally by fours

      Bill is quite correct.

      The assertion that the front rank two is "in charge" isn't supported by the manuals. The very fact you bring up that the first and third corporals could be front ranks ones (as well as the fourth corporal in a company with an uneven number of files) and therefore under the charge of a private also supports this. I think that is largely a reenactorism based off the fact that a set of comrades in arms deploy off the position of the front rank two.

      Let's examine the manuals...

      From Gilham's Manual (since I have it handy):

      "It is not expected that these movements should be executed with the same precision as in closed ranks, nor is it desirable, as such exactness would materially interfere with their prompt execution."

      This certainly implies that no one is in charge of the comrades in arms other than the directing officer.

      "At the command march, the left group of four men, conducted by the fourth sergeant, will direct itself on the point indicated; all the other groups of fours..." (This is from deploying off the left file.)

      The presence of a directing Sgt further reinforces the argument that no one is senior or "in charge" within a comrades in arms.

      "Rally by Fours"

      "The line will halt if marching, and the four men of each group will execute this rally in the following manner: the front rank man of the even numbered file will take the position of guard against cavalry; the rear rank man of the odd numbered file will also take the position of guard against cavalry, turning his back to him, his right foot thirteen inches from the right foot of the former, and parallel to it; the front rank man of the odd file, and the rear rank man of the even file, will also place themselves back to back, taking a like position, and between the two men already established, facing to the right and left; the right feet of the four men will be brought together, forming a squares and serving for mutual support. The four men in each group will come to a ready, fire as occasion may offer, and load without moving their feet."

      Again, we see the formation of four building off the front rank two (or "front rank man of the even numbered file") but there is no designation of him being in charge.


      "The captain and chiefs of sections will each cause the four men who constitute his guard to form square, the men separating so as to enable him and the bugler to place themselves in the centre. The three sergeants will each promptly place himself in the group nearest him in the line of skirmishers."

      Since the officers and sgts would be inside the rallied fours, clearly they would be directing any subsequent rallies (by section, platoon, etc...) rather than the front rank two.

      In conclusion, while the deployment and rally build off the position of the front rank two, I do not believe this constitutes him being "in charge" so your initial suspicion is quite correct.
      John Stillwagon


      • #4
        Re: rally by fours

        Thank you for straightening me out. Apparently I used the wrong terminology when I wrote that the front rank 2 is "in charge," I appologize for that. I was at a living history lately portraying a corporal and the question came up. Thank you for your help.

        Matthew Cassady
        Pvt. 104th Illinois VOl. Inf.
        [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady

