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G.I. Series Book

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  • G.I. Series Book

    To my fellow newbies-I have just checked out "G.I. Series-Johnny Reb: The Confederate Army, 1861-1865" by Leslie Johnson, and I highly recomend it for a source of period photographs. It isnt enough to do advanced research or surveys out of, but I saw several photos I had never seen before. The text is nothing new, just look at the pics.

  • #2
    Re: G.I. Series Book

    Mr. McQuillen
    Originally posted by bonniegreenflag
    The text is nothing new, just look at the pics.
    I would have to strongly disagree here. You can learn a whole lot about C.S. uniforms reading the text by Mr Jensen. Especially "newbies".
    Eric "Woody" Woodward


    • #3
      Re: G.I. Series Book

      Had mine for years. It's even signed by the author.


      • #4
        Re: G.I. Series Book

        I highly recommend it also. I wrote the review of it that is on Amazon.
        Jim Kindred


        • #5
          Re: G.I. Series Book


          Your book was written by Leslie D. Jensen so if "the text is nothing new" it is only because it is an update of the ground-breaking research he did in writing the definitive article (to date) on CS issue jackets.

          Mr. Jensen coined the terms and created the typology without which we'd still be floundering around trying to describe some jacket instead of simply saying it is a "Richmond Depot Type II."

          For anyone who hasn't read Mr. Jensen's landmark work, it is available online at:

          It frequently amazes me how many people use Jensen's typology but have never read his work. I still refer to it frequently even having read it dozens of times.
          John Stillwagon


          • #6
            Re: G.I. Series Book

            Hello- Hearing the words spoken about the text, I read it more closely and found it much more detailed than I had first thought! I appologize for such a gross mis-statement. I was also not aware of the books age, of course that was fixed by looking at the front. :confused_

