So, you're going to next month's On To Richmond. Units on both sides are using Gilham's manual. You're not familiar with Gilham's because you speak the language of Casey or Hardee. No problem. This booklet is for you : Gilham's for non-Gilhamites. This FREE booklet contains Gilham's manual of arms plus some great items only found in his manual.
As usual, this booklet contains as many period illustrations as possible. Take a look at the plain version on your computer : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamites.pdf
If you like it, you can print it as is for use in the field. However, is it's intended format is as a booklet.
Here's what I did to create my own copy of this booklet from the same two files here marked "BookletOdds" and "BookletEvens." Not all copiers are the same, but it worked for mine. Gotta go with success when you find it.
(1) Print the odds. Here is the link : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamitesBookletOdds.pdf
(2) After printed, reverse the order. Here's why. When printing the odds, the cover and last pages will print. Then, they got buried under the other pages in the file as they printed. The middle pages of the booklet are printed last. (It's actually page 22 on the left and 19 on the right.) You need to get the first page back on the top. When you print the even pages, it's going to be on the reverse side of the first page you printed.
(3) With the pages returned to the original order - meaning, cover and last pages are on top - return the stack to the feed tray of your printer taking care that the side to be printed is the blank side, not the one you just printed. On my printer, I was able to place the reversed pages face down with the blank side up.
(4) Print the even pages. Here is the link : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamitesBookletEvens.pdf
(5) Reverse the order one more time like was done in step #2.
(6) Enjoy your booklet. I really did use these instructions to print a booklet.
No matter which way you print it, consider making a donation at the next NPS site you visit on the way to or from your next event.
As usual, this booklet contains as many period illustrations as possible. Take a look at the plain version on your computer : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamites.pdf
If you like it, you can print it as is for use in the field. However, is it's intended format is as a booklet.
Here's what I did to create my own copy of this booklet from the same two files here marked "BookletOdds" and "BookletEvens." Not all copiers are the same, but it worked for mine. Gotta go with success when you find it.
(1) Print the odds. Here is the link : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamitesBookletOdds.pdf
(2) After printed, reverse the order. Here's why. When printing the odds, the cover and last pages will print. Then, they got buried under the other pages in the file as they printed. The middle pages of the booklet are printed last. (It's actually page 22 on the left and 19 on the right.) You need to get the first page back on the top. When you print the even pages, it's going to be on the reverse side of the first page you printed.
(3) With the pages returned to the original order - meaning, cover and last pages are on top - return the stack to the feed tray of your printer taking care that the side to be printed is the blank side, not the one you just printed. On my printer, I was able to place the reversed pages face down with the blank side up.
(4) Print the even pages. Here is the link : 2ColGilhamsNonGilhamitesBookletEvens.pdf
(5) Reverse the order one more time like was done in step #2.
(6) Enjoy your booklet. I really did use these instructions to print a booklet.
No matter which way you print it, consider making a donation at the next NPS site you visit on the way to or from your next event.