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Straw hats in Confederate ranks

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  • Straw hats in Confederate ranks

    I tried looking this subject up in older postings, and I didn't see it as a general discussion. If I merely missed it, please forgive me. Having not 'done Confederate' in some time, I was wondering what the current thoughts are on straw hats. Acceptable in the ranks? Period references? Photos of soldier examples? Better for certain periods of the war? Better for certain States, units, theaters? Over represented? Under presented? Good examples? Sutlers with quality reproductions? Ballpark feelings? Anything constructive would be appreciated.

    Travis Shick
    Travis Shick

  • #2
    Re: Straw hats in Confederate ranks


    I can't comment on CS use, but I can on at least one instance of Federal use. I'm paraphrasing, as my library is at home and I'm not. I want to say that this was mid-War, definitely in the East. If memory serves, this is in Stevens' official history of the USSS.

    Essentially a member of the USSS had just returned from leave with a new straw hat. On the skirmish line, it was attracting a fair amount of fire, and so he took it off and tossed it from behind the stump that he was sheltering behind. The supposed comment was along the lines of, "if you want it that badly, you can have it".

    Hope it helps.
    Michael Thomas

    11th PA Reserves, 40th PVI, Co F

    1st USSS, Co H

