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1860 Footwear

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  • 1860 Footwear

    I know we are involved in the Civil War hobby, and most seem to be representing post-1861, but pre-war stockpiles were available for a short time. Are there good resources on pre-war regulation footwear and common civilian (sutler and civilian merchant store) footwear in the Western territories and frontier posts?
    Michael Denisovich

    Bookkeeper, Indian agent, ethnologist, and clerk out in the Territory
    Museum administrator in New Mexico

  • #2
    Re: 1860 Footwear

    I'm Chuck Mood and I am a Park Ranger at Camp Floyd State Park in Utah. Prior to the Civil War one third of the entie US Army was stationed at Camp Floyd following the Utah War (1857-1858). Archeological digs have confirmed sewn sole brogans, with "U.S." stamped on their soles. two holes on the tounge, and the top of the brogan taper down to a "V" at the top of the heel. The only company I am aware of that makes this shoe, as described, is Missouri Boot and Shoe. It is his version #JB-SPO that is most correct. If that is not in your budget, #JB-1 would be my next suggestion.

    Chuck Mood
    Park Ranger
    Camp Floyd State Park & Museum
    Charles W. Mood


    • #3
      Re: 1860 Footwear

      The two things that come immediately to mind are...
      1) The Danish exchange prior to the US Civil War ( )
      2) The Arabia Museum in Kansas City ( )
      John Wickett
      Former Carpetbagger
      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

