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Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs

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  • Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I am trying to improve my impression which is leading me to roll better cartridges and place them in arsenal packs. I have several resources on rolling cartridges and have seen several ideas on the best paper to use (newsprint, 3M masking paper, artists newsprint, etc.). I also have found several resources for arsenal pack labels, etc. WIth that said, I have a few questions that I would be grateful for anyone's input to assist me in this endeavor:

    1. Does anyone know if shellac was used to 'seal' arsenal packs, and if so, what the process was used to accomplish this (dipping the entire pack, dipping paper before wrapping, or not used at all?)

    2. If you have a better paper for rolling than those listed, I would love to know what you use.

    3. Would the arsenal pack use a different paper than that for rolling cartridges?

    4. Any other resources to assist me and others in making a quality, authentic product?

    Thank you for your time.
    David J. Williams
    19th Texas Infantry

  • #2
    Re: Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs would be a great reference book for much of the info you seek.

    I don't know of any waterproofing done in the Confederate Ordnance department.

    I use the masking paper exclusively, I find it's stronger than newsprint (any form) and easy to work with, though it's a bit too brown in color. Confederate AP's were usually stamped on the wrapper, or used labels that were pasted on. The photo attached are some (not all) Confederate labels/cartridges I have used. the enfield cartridge I used typing paper to form, everything else I used masking paper.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Confederate AP's.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	847.2 KB
ID:	225530
    Kevin Dally


    • #3
      Re: Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs

      I love your stamps! Can you tell me where you found those?

      Thanks for the reply!
      David J. Williams
      19th Texas Infantry


      • #4
        Re: Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs

        Originally posted by 19thTexas View Post
        I love your stamps! Can you tell me where you found those?

        Thanks for the reply!

        Well, these labels I have are word documents, print em off as needed either directly on the paper, or print the separate labels on different paper, and paste them on the wrappers, per originals. I have MORE labels from different arsenals, unfortunately nothing much survives that can be used directly for Tran Mississippi area.

        I have .54, .577/.58, and .69 RB/B-n-B/Buckshot labels. PM me, I can pass em onto ya. (Have a few Yank labels too!):wink_smil
        Kevin Dally


        • #5
          Re: Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs


          We typically use paper that is modern wood pulp paper rather than Period "rag" papers. However, at a higher cost, linen-based paper is available at calligraphy stores as well as at some craft/hobby stores like Michael's.

          95% of my reference books are boxed and in storage still for Never Ending House Remodeling so I will throw this out for you to research...

          The Second Edition 1849 Ordnance Manual called for water-proofing the bundle wrappers but that was deleted for the 1861 3rd Edition. The Confederates pretty much copied the 1861 Manual for their own in 1863. Since the Federal 1861 Manual did not water=proof wrappers, it is probable that the CS one also did not but I do not have my copy in hand.

          Curt Schmidt
          In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

          -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
          -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
          -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
          -Vastly Ignorant
          -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


          • #6
            Re: Cartridge rolling and Arsenal Packs


            So I generally use the brown masking paper you can buy at Lowe's or Home Depot for like 4 bucks. You can make at least 1-2 thousand rounds with one roll, and it's both light weight and won't break when choking the end.

            I assumed the Confederate arsenals used 1855 cartridge pattern, since the 1861 manual wasn't official until September of that year, until they switched over to English ammunition in 1864, but perhaps I'm wrong.
            James Peli

