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Officer uniform

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  • Officer uniform

    Hello all,
    I have a question on the appropriate wear of my uniform. Would it be proper to wear my vest, sash/sword belt and my sack coat open over top?

    Thank you

    John Mort
    John Mort

  • #2
    Re: Officer uniform

    Like this?

    Click image for larger version

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Views:	1
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ID:	225544

    Matthew Broderick wore a vest and sash that way in Glory, so it must be okay. Right?

    Can you find legitimate examples? Yes, however, compare the few to the many more photos of officers wearing sashes in an "open and notorious" manner. Then consider the rank and position of the officers wearing hidden sashes. I'd bet the bulk of them are field grade rather than line grade officers.

    Leopard skin trousers are correct, too, but they're not Plain, Everyday or Common (PEC).

    If you want to look like a mainstream reenactor, go for it. Covered sashes are rather common. If your goal is to look like a soldier of the period, I'd stay away from that look.
    Silas Tackitt,
    one of the moderators.

    Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


    • #3
      Re: Officer uniform

      Silas' comment is very valid here. Yes, if one digs deeply enough you can find photographic examples of the sword belt and sash worn beneath the coat, but I feel it is overused among reenactors and is probably out of proportion to what was historically done and is safest to be avoided altogether to avoid looking like a reenactor.

      It seems that when you do see images with the sword belt worn beneath the coat, it is in warmer weather and without the sash as if it is a comfort thing. Personally, my experience is that wearing a sash is hardly convenient and comfortable and if I could avoid it, I certainly would. Most folks are familiar with the image of the officers of the 4th PA Cavalry wearing belts beneath their coats. None are wearing sashes; two do not even wear vests. Being mounted officers might be adding a variable effecting their mode of dress.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by CompanyWag; 06-17-2018, 11:05 AM.
      Paul McKee


      • #4
        Re: Officer uniform

        Thank you Gentlemen!
        John Mort


        • #5
          Re: Officer uniform


          Just to split the historical hair without taking away from the excellent advice...

          West Texas jaguar, (and likely chaps) with matching holster.

          :) :)

          Curt Schmidt
          In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

          -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
          -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
          -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
          -Vastly Ignorant
          -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


          • #6
            Re: Officer uniform

            Oops, never mind.:)
            Michael Semann
            AC Staff Member Emeritus.

