11th Ohio Cavalry - We focus on planning and organizing events in and around central Wyoming which involved either the 11th Ohio or 11th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry units that were stationed between Fort Laramie and South Pass in the summer of 1865.
1st Maine Cavalry - Based in Maine and the Northeast. In remembrance and appreciation of the ordinary citizens that became cavalrymen and rode to war to preserve a nation.
1st Section - An authentic horse-drawn artillery living history organization, based in the Northeast with members from The Liberty Rifles.
4th Virginia, Company "I" - Based in Central Indiana, the men of the Fourth are dedicated to recreating in authentic detail the experience of Confederate soldiers serving in defense of their sacred soil of Virginia.
23rd Virginia - Co.'s A-K - To represent Virginia citizen-soldiers in the years 1858-1865, in as accurate a manner as possible.
24th Missouri Infantry (U.S.) - A Federal campaigner unit with members from Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
26th North Carolina - Based in North Carolina with members in all regions of the state, from the coast to the mountains as well as members in other states and even a few in other countries.
33rd Wisconsin - Based in Wisconsin. A group of like-minded historians and civil war enthusiasts who portray Company E, of the 33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.
36th Illinois Regiment, Company B - Based in Illinois, has members from all over the Midwest.
40 Rounds Events - In 2015, a veteran progressive reenactor began organizing an adjunct event for the 150th Battle of Bentonville to honor the 10th Iowa Infantry and raise money for the Bentonville Battlefield. It was a big success without prima donnas, and most of all, without compromise. 40 Rounds organizes progressive events for authentic reenactors. Period.
52nd Tennessee Infantry - Based in Tennessee. We are a group of living historians centered around the American Civil War. We come from in and around Shelby County.
Alton Jaeger Guards - Although the majority of our members come from the St. Louis Area, we have members all over the Midwest.
Armory Guards - Our members come from all over Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and the Southeast.
Breckinridge Greys - A group of living historians based in Kentucky and portraying the common Confederate infantry soldier in the Western Theater of The War.
Broadside Mess - Based out of West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, and Southern Ohio.
Bully Boys Mess - A premiere group of reenactors, hailing from over 13 states from California to Maryland, focused mainly on portraying men of both sides of the conflict in the western theatre.
Butcherknife Roughnecks - A research oriented mess focusing mainly on authentic representations of Arkansas Confederates in the Trans-Mississippi theater of operations.
Citizens Guard - Based in Wisconsin. Our membership has a great interest in the Iron Brigade of the West and this is a great way to help preserve their memory at Gettysburg National Military Park.
Ford's Independent Company, 2nd Colorado - Based in Denver, Colorado - The uniformed element of Colorado Volunteers (reenacted). The membership consists of reenactors that have an interest in accurately portraying the 2nd Colorado Volunteers.
Governor Guards - Governor Guards is our home unit and we are a member unit of SCAR (Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors)
Hard Head Mess - Primarily based in Wisconsin with members from the Midwest.
Independent Guards - The mess is split into two geographical locations: one in the Midwest centered in Missouri, the other based out of Florida in the Southeast.
Independent Rifles - Independent Rifles. We are a company sized organization with members in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. We do both US and CS.
Independent Volunteer Rifles - Based in Virginia with member units covering the Tidewater, Piedmont and Shenandoah Valley areas of the state. While we are based out of Virginia we will often portray soldiers from other Confederate states as events dictate.
Iron Scouts - A Confederate Living History Organization with members from North and South Carolina as well as affiliations with individuals and units from Georgia, Virginia, and Tennessee.
Liberty Guards - We are a progressive/campaigner unit with members throughout the Central Florida area.
Liberty Rifles - We draw most of our members from the mid-Atlantic states and have individual members from as far away as the West Coast and Northeast.
LS Mess - An exclusive mess based in the Northeast.
Mess No. 1 - An Authentic Civil War Living History Organization, founded in 2003, with members from around the country. Our goal is simple. We raise companies for the best Civil War Events available.
North State Rifles - Founded in 1999 with the mission to study and recreate the experience of North Carolina's soldiers during the American Civil War. Click Here to Visit Us on
Palmetto Guards - The Palmetto Guards is a campaigner based unit in South Carolina. We strive to achieve the highest level of authenticity possible, focusing on uniforms, drill, and the life of soldier's on the campaign.
Sally Port Mess - We are a small group of living historians in Michigan. Our primary portrayal is of the Western Union soldier during the American Civil War. We focus on the continuous improvement of our impressions with experience and research.
Shuster's Tigers - A Trans-Mississippi, company level, campaigner grade unit. We are made up of men from MO, KS, NE, IA, AR, OK, TX, KY, and TN. We portray both US and CS units depending upon event and location.
Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors (SCAR) - Based in the Southeast. The SCAR is an authentic living history organization dedicated to the accurate portrayal of soldiers and civilians during the War Between the States.
Stonewall Brigade - A living history association concentrated in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania dedicated to accurately portraying soldiers of the American Civil War for over 25 years.
Tallahatchie Rifle Guards - Based out of North Mississippi/Southwest Tennessee. We are looking to host campaigner events in north Mississippi/SW Tennessee as well as support other quality events in our area.
Tater Mess - Primarily based in Missouri with members from the Midwest.
Trans-Miss Hellcats - We currently boast members from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
Tuebor Events - Tuebor Historic Events (Tuebor is Latin for “I will defend”) evolved from a group of reenactors from Michigan, Kentucky, and West Virginia who were interested in planning and organizing better Civil War event experiences. In 2020, THE was born to formally create a brand to better promote our view of how to do an event.
Western Rifles - The Western Rifles were created in 2011 by a group of reenactors from the Midwest who wanted to see more time and effort given to those troops that came east during the war and fought the Army of the Potomac.
Widow Makers Mess - A group of individuals located in the Deep South that accurately portray the common soldier in the Civil War. Primary focus is costal troops and home guard/ militia but we do many other impressions. Most members are associated with different groups. The purpose of the mess is for those like mind individuals to have a home and information source for authentic events.